im actually not looking for this info because i want to play optimal settings im looking for this because i think there may be something wrong with either my Vcard or cpu but i just want to make sure before i go through the whole warranty process
the reason for me thinking that there might be something wrong is that i just noticed i have a color banding problem (white color at this moment is only one i see is affected). this made me want to check out videos of people posting their playthroughs of games on the same sytem i own. what i found is that they seem to be playing at least 10fps more than me. here is one of the videos im using as a benchmark: - Saints Row 3
he is using fraps in it btw and yet is not lagging as bad as i did without fraps with the exact same settings shown
im getting 26 avg fps 20 fps min 33 fps max
at night time i get the most fps which are 36 fps avg 22 min 40 max
but during morning and evening times in game when sun is orange (or mixing different shades of whites together) it lags horribly with 24 fps avg 19 min 28 max