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G53SW Horrible audio popping.

Level 7
Recently I've become aggravated that my G53 is producing severe popping noises in my audio. I think I only picked up on it when I plugged my speakers into them, however the sounds have pretty much always existed as long as I've known, just being far less a problem as they were for the most part unnoticeable.

Regardless of my sound settings, including disabling TruStudio settings (It had been set as external speakers, as otherwise the sound output of the G53 is abysmal and far too quiet.) I have uninstalled and reinstalled both TruStudio and my Realtek drivers, yet the popping persists. It is so constant, and with external speakers making it so noticeable that it ruins my experience with music.

Level 7
That doesn't affect it. This is baffling.

Level 14
From the troubleshooting you've done to date, I think it's a hardware problem. If your purchase is recent enough to contact the retailer and get an exchange to a new unit, I'd do that. Otherwise, you may need to RMA your laptop to get it repaired under warranty.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

Level 7
Ugh, that sucks, as I'm in no position to RMA it until April.