I specifically registered here in order to share about the abomination that is called ASUS RMA.
Quick Run Down of Why I Sent it in.
- Bluetooth keeps disconnecting intermittently
- Tried installing Win 7 bluetooth Driver, wiped my laptop clean.
- Plethora of problems regarding Windows 8
- Unable to install Direct X, unable to run ANY GAME (Few errors)
- Unable to install ATK Package
Anyway, they accepted my issues and I sent it over.
It is still covered so I only paid shipping for it ($100+)
I was told the following fixes were done.
- Motherboard replacement
- Bluetooth replacement
- Ribbon Cable replacement
I get it back, with more problems.
- Spacebar key now half broken, only one side rises, make it extremely annoying to type.
- Backlight DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE (Tried all software fixes, no luck)
- They simply loaded Win 7 back to my laptop, so their answer to my Win 8 problems, is don't install Win 8?
This is baffling to me, how can this company be praised for their customer service, when this happens quite regularly.
- Bluetooth now works
I at least hoped they'd talk me through the issues OR SOMETHING!
I'm currently awaiting their reply after the weekend passes.