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Feedback about ASUS G551JM out-of-warranty motherboard replacement experience/costs?

Level 7
My motherboard has died after only 3 years (warranty is out) on this pricy gaming laptop. I could replace it myself, but according to some local repair centers, ASUS does not ship spare parts to independant stores in order to offer their repair service.

Since Asus support diagnostic costs 75€ if you do not accept the quotation, I've asked what they usually charge for such operation. But they refused to provide any amount before a diagnostic. As a customer, I really feel that my hand is being forced into this costly diagnostic, before being forced into an expensive repair.

Is anyone able to share any experience about similar cases?


Level 7

Level 14
I believe it is what it is in your country. You could PM cl-albert and he could get you in touch with the C ustomer L oylaty representative in your area you may be able to get some assistance that way.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro