Hello guys,
I recently purchased a G751 JY and so far I've been quite happy with it... but lately I've noticed that the laptop sometimes freeze and reboot itself at start, right after signing up in Windows 8.1.
No error message or anything, I just find the event 41 in the event viewer.
The system is up to date with the last updates and never crashes while in use, this critical error only happens at boot. I checked around and found out that many users were getting the same but the crashes were random and/or related to intense use, which is not my case, I can play for hours without issues.
I doubt it's the PSU since the laptop is new and however I use it plugged in with the battery in, even if the power goes down the battery should save it.
Could a driver cause this?
It only happens at boot so I'm more inclined to think that something goes wrong software side, before RMA I would like to try a couple of things.