05-03-2013 09:07 AM
05-03-2013 09:10 AM
05-03-2013 09:15 AM
Myk SilentShadow wrote:
Lesson #1: Please never eeeeeever flash your BIOS through Windows, only ever do it through the BIOS.
Apparently the G series laptops have a little backdoor coded into their BIOSes to get you back up and running, i'll do a search and see what I find and get back to you 🙂
05-03-2013 09:39 AM
05-03-2013 10:22 AM
Myk SilentShadow wrote:
OK I FOUND IT!!! yeesh, took me foreeeever, 166 pages of posts is insane, but, a proper search through Google in the Forums, yielded me the answer I have for you and I so hope this works for you, this is what you need to do
1. Put the USB drive(with BIOS file on it) into a USB port
2. Press and hold down both the CTRL and Home Keys
3. Press the power button
4. Continue to hold down the CTRL and Home keys until you get the BIOS Recovery utility
Good luck and please let me know how you go 🙂
05-03-2013 10:25 AM
cl-Albert wrote:
I've been able to get this work on the G75VW, but using the original ASUS Windows image which includes the bios file on the C: drive with a *.BIN extension.
Anyway, if anybody has the original ASUS Windows hard drive image, you can probably skip the USB drive, or if it's not working with the USB drive, try loading the bios file from the hard drive too.
Below is my modified version of the procedure.
1. Put the USB drive(with BIOS file on it) into a USB port, or use the original hard drive with ASUS Windows image. If the ASUS Windows image is no longer available, copy the bios file (older versions may work better?) to the C: drive and rename to a *.BIN file (check for the correct name for your model which can be seen by changing the Windows settings to view hidden files, etc.).
2. Press and hold down both the CTRL and Home Keys
3. Press the power button
4. Continue to hold down the CTRL and Home keys until you get the BIOS Recovery utility
05-03-2013 09:51 AM
wantedzai wrote:
WHATTTTT!!!!!!!!! Thanks man!!!!!!!!!! It worked!!!!!!! Lov u so much!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!! 😮
Sinless wrote:
Nice post 😛 lol
Someone should sticky that method. Many people will appreciate it.
05-03-2013 10:37 AM
Myk SilentShadow wrote:
SCOOOOOOORE!!!!! i'm so very glad you go it to work mate 😄 luckily I even remembered seeing something about it ages ago lol 🙂
Oh and a note to the OP: don't downgrade your BIOS mate, you'll just end up having to go through all this again, laptops don't have a BIOS Flashback feature...yet lol