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Does Windows 10 Build 1151 are hiding a code 66 for the G series?

Level 7
I was happy so far with my G751JY and windows 10 until the november cumulative update windows 10 build 1151. Half of the windows functions are now unresponsive. Including the WiFi that is disconnecting randomly. I can't even uninstall any program since the function is freezing. I will have to wipe out and clean install a new windows.

My former G73JW (owned by my sister) just crashed last week on a windows 10 update and is so far totally destroyed. when she called, she was desesperate with her Master degrees documents that she had to turn in the next day. I showed up with the Windows 10 USB stick, Thinking it was a simple repair... I could not reinitiate or repair anything. I had to format the drive twice before getting the windows 10 clean install to work and it went down again after the built 1151 update. (fortunately I could save her documents using MS DOS prior to wipe everything). The G73 is still down, I will try another windows install but it will indeed fail again.

So about my question... Am I alone of experience issues with the Build 1151?

QC_AGENT wrote:
Really? I'm surprised of that because I can't install Win 8/10 on my PC. The installation package tell me at first that my CPU is too old and not supported due to the lacks of added security instruction sets. I am running an AMD 64 FX-60 dual core socket 939. It was the most powerful CPU in 2006 ;-). Maybe INTEL chips are better supported than AMD.

well I admit that all these laptops I was talking about runs intel chipset and CPU.

about these "security instruction sets" it is not a MUST have feature AFAIK... but it a good thing to have against some type of virus/malware that manipulate code in the most basic level there is i.e binary and/or assembly.
if it is indeed not a MUST HAVE requirement, then you can mod your windows installation disk to contain the specific drivers for your AMD machine.
you can learn HERE more about integrating drivers into that disk , and there are many free editing apps for that like nLite, WinReducer etc...
A VERY good forum to follow up about windows official + modd installation disks, tools, tweaks etc... is
Sometimes they know things better then MS representatives.

last but not least, many linux distros has backward compatibility with old PCs.... and they can usually "revive" and old piece-of-metal-of-a-PC in terms of performance. (many of them are much lite in RAM & CPU demands)
Asus G751JT
Samsung EVO 850 120GB + 1TB HDD 7200RPM
Cleaned installed Win 10 HOME
My Guides:

  • [POST=538713]How to install windows 8/8.1/10 on any UEFI supported laptop the PROPER way[/POST]

I didn't realize any of the G series notebooks had AMD CPU, that's a whole separate issue!
Also others have succeeded installing win 10 on 74's look them up in the older G Series forum.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

@op: I still have my 73JW, had the same freezing issues. THIS solved the problem once and for all:

anyways, W10 x64 works without any issues on the 73 at all. With latest drivers, and almost no Asus bloatware. (Fresh install of course)
If needed, I can make a screeshot of the drivers installed

Shame on you Nvidia.

Julskey wrote:
G73 is is not supported for windows 10 upgrade according to asus website. My old G74sx is not supported neither so I'm sticking with Win7.

FWIW I have a G74sx upgraded to Win10 Pro that works very well, better than it ever did on Win7 pro.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 7
Since I started this thread, and stole some of your time, I owe you my findings. So, I never could get Windows 10 running stable on the G73 anymore, even though it was doing fine from August to December. Although as per observed by Clint, it is looking like an hardware issue, Windows Seven is actually running stable. So NeoBeum story is right so far.

under Windows Seven, I runned some very serious load test on the machine, burning the CPU at 95 C for 30 minutes, hitted the GPU hard, gone through MEMCHECK, DISKCHECK, multiple data transferts, working and gaming load. It is doing fine.

Under Windows 10, it is randomly freezing, sometinmes it would not even boot

Finally: I ressetted it under factory default, ran 300 windows 7 updates and gave it back to my sister. I might try Windows 10 update in a couple of months, hoping that they resolve some issues from that time.

As per my G751 (the reason of this thread being here), after 4 weeks of jammed updates and jammed systems menues, it just opened up this morning with my McAffee AntiVirus forcing the updates. I suspect McAffe to be the Root of the update issues, combined with a hidden malware slowing down the overall system. I will format and clean install.

Yes well we knew from the get go that Asus is not going to support window 10 on anything G notebooks below G750. So if it ran good for awhile was that in a Upgraded state? and you are having failures with a clean install of Win 10. Were really on our own trying to get Win 10 to run on these older notebooks!!
I personally have no intention of upgrading my G75VW to 10. I have 10 on one of my desktops and will put it on a 2nd desktop on 10 probably Sunday. My wife's All in one touch screen and my G75 will stay with Win 8.1 pro There both over 3 years old I see no advantages what so ever to upgrade them to 10
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 7
Guys...i will not read this all thing...
I had this problems with windows 10 version u speak...
I simply force a reinstall on the bios (211 if I am not mistaken)...
Just that...
No more freezes since almost 3 months...
Didin't do anything else.