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DAI - Direct X 11 Is Extremely Horrible !

Level 7

Seriously all the new generation games running DX11 are garbage for nothing special ... Dragon age inquisition is completely unplayable in my G551JW , Because DX11 is draining GPU & CPU usage very quickly !! . Actually i don't see any differences between DX9 & DX11 ,The only changes is DX11 decrease the FPS rate ...

Here the results when i start the game :

CPU : under 70% load for all 8 CPUs
GTX 960M : under 99% Load !!! __ The Temperature goes from 45C to 82C for just 4 minutes then it keeps throttle to 867MHz core clock !!"Still under 99% Full load "
According to the terrible FPS rate , when i walk around landscape the FPS stuck between 30 - 20FPS , in Combat while using Magic Spells drop to 13 or 15 FPS !!!! . When i scroll camera cursor to the sky the FPS return back to 60FPS because theres no Graphics to load :mad:

Bioware designed Dragon age 2 for both DX11 - DX9 and you have a selection to switch which 1 is rendering

First of all ,i didn't ever noticed differences in graphics

"Without Vsync"

Dragon age 2 DX11 "45FPS - Under 99% Load"
Dragon age 2 DX9 "140FPS - Under Full Load "

So why DX11 sucks so much in Games ?? :mad:

Level 9
If you look at games two ,three years old and games now there is a noticable difference in graphics
Witcher 2 >Witcher 3
Dirt 3 ->Dirt Rally
NBA 2K14->2K16

All these games have dramatically improved in graphics and I don't think without DX11 that would be possible.The 960M is not a top of the line card and you can't expect to run triple a games at high settings.Heck I have the 980m and some settings need to be toned down a bit for the game to reach 60fps.I'm afraid if you want to max out on the newest titles you're heading straight into 980/980ti desktop GPU territory.

When i change the settings to lowest level i get only Extra +5 FPS .... and Ultra or high settings same , it does not make any sense

Level 9
It might be some sort of issue with the game.Have you downloaded it or bought it cuz if it's pirated some releases are buggy and if not maybe the game itself doesn't vibe well with the 960

thetanaz wrote:
It might be some sort of issue with the game.Have you downloaded it or bought it cuz if it's pirated some releases are buggy and if not maybe the game itself doesn't vibe well with the 960

Pirated from Ova games site .... Basically theres no differences CD or pirated because all the pirated games in my hardisk running good as well "DX9"
The Grahpics are a little bit different for games that you inserted ... Many users reported that DX11 is buggy and eating performance so much .

For example skyrim + Ultimate Grahpical Mods (110FPS -it looks more better than DA )

Level 9
it makes a difference in many cases mate.Fresh example:I downloaded NBA 2K16 and although I never went under 80 fps there was noticable choppyness and it felt like it was skipping frames.Once I bought it the issue was gone.

Level 7
Some users in google experienced that its Malware virus , so i performed full PC scan using AVG but nothing detected ... No viruses --"