04:43 AM
- last edited on
03:33 AM
02-13-2015 06:57 AM
02-14-2015 05:52 PM
Wulff wrote:
...just remember wich screw goes where...
Good luck!
02-17-2015 03:15 AM
TrickOrTreat wrote:
To help me with the screws when I reassemble any laptop, I simply make a rudimentary drawing/outline of my laptop on a regular white sheet paper (8.5 x 11) and place the screws on the sheet in a way that closely resemble where it's located in the laptop. And I'll sometimes make a few notes on the paper as well to help me remember certain details.
02-15-2015 07:29 AM
Wulff wrote:
the thing is that when you would blow in the compressed air into the fans exhausts where would the dust go then and you have a risk that the fans would spin to fast and therefor could break , me personally i remove the top cover once every while and then clean it. but you should only do that if you are confident enough to do a proper job. If your unsure about that the best way would indeed be to have it cleaned. but 105$ seems very expensive. a friend brought in his acer laptop to a shop in ireland and they charged him only 30 euro to get it open and make it dust free. so perhaps you have the option to choose from more shops so you can see wich is the cheapest.
If yu do want to give it a go yourself here is a video that shows how to get to the fans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0dkQ4rajyM
just remember wich screw goes where and be gentle and have some patience, then it should work out nicely
Good luck!
02-17-2015 03:14 AM
02-18-2015 12:05 AM
02-18-2015 07:50 PM