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Clean Windows 7 on Asus G75VX (Win8 pre-installed)

Level 8

I had been lurking around here trying to figure out either a good way to move my Windows 8 (core-oem) installation to my new SSD or install Windows 7. No post that i found had an easy route to follow so i thought i write down a quick "guide".

Backstory: I was originally trying to re-install my Windows 8 to the new ssd.. Did not work, even Asus support said the Windows 8 "embedded" into the bios could not recognize the SSD as a suitable drive since it only worked on original hardware. I then asked, what if the harddrive went haywire and did not work anymore ?
They told me to get support from Microsoft as they could not do anything about this matter.

So back to scrapping Windows 8 and doing a fresh-o-so-clean Windows 7 installation on the SSD.
Before you start throwing rocks at me about drivers and such, i got everything to work. Even WIFI (thanks to *will edit for link*).

Nearly every driver on the support disc can be installed on Windows 7, expect for chipset and Wifi (chipset i got off newest G75VM Windows 7 driver download page).

Use an external drive, flash drive or just dvds to transfer every picture, game file or whatevz. to.

Installation (

Enter bios, rapidly spam your F2 key when the computer turns on.

- Switch to "Boot" and set “Launch CSM” to Enabled.
- Switch to "Security" and set "Secure Boot Control" to Disabled.
- Press F10 to save and exit.

(quoted Rewben)

Now, only have the SSD harddrive inside the computer where the HDD was before.
Put everything back together.
Load the dvd drive with a "legally" owned copy of Windows7 Ultimate.

And install.

Now, after this is done. Windows 7 will not find any drivers. So pop in your Asus support dvd.
Install the ethernet card.

If you dont have a ethernet option, figure something out.

Launch Windows Update, and update everything!

Now the system will find all the hardware.

Install all the drivers.

Chipset, audio blablabla.

And finally wifi drivers HERE
Thanks @rledge21 for providing wifi driver.

Over and out.
G75VX-T4106H + Samsung 840 250GB SSD (Windows 7)

Hey guys, i just bought a g75-vx, pretty much tried everything. This thing wont boot from DVD and just freezes during the logo load. The USB doesnt work AT ALL. I installed a win 8 version EASY. But even when i try to go through the OS to install, it gives me an error that i should retry the installation. i have a deep hatred for windows 8 and it feels like using vista, i need to get this laptop to be NOT windows 8 lol. Thanks, i will keep chugging along. Thanks 🙂

riboild wrote:
I have successfully installed windows 7 64bit but unfortunately I am having a problem with laptop freezing up after approximately half an hour. I have checked on essentially all the drivers and updated them all but it almost seems like the ssd I installed, a crucial m4 128ssd, is causing trouble... i did a health checker on the ssd but it shows 98 percent health. anybody got some recipes for success here??? I am wondering why it freezes, any advice is greatly appreciated!!!

I would go to power options, and check off "turn off after **", that will stop the freezing, or atleast did for me!
G75VX-T4106H + Samsung 840 250GB SSD (Windows 7)

I got everything working except for what seems like the Bluetooth in device manager... any thoughts.


wow days and now I feel like a dumbass..............
As im writing this I found a solution
pop the utility disk in and update the driver
point windows to the utility disk and kabooom!
there ya go.

Level 7

Enter bios, rapidly spam your F2 key when the computer turns on.

- Switch to "Boot" and set “Launch CSM” to Enabled.
- Switch to "Security" and set "Secure Boot Control" to Disabled.
- Press F10 to save and exit.

(quoted Rewben)

These options are not exist in Asus G75VW with BIOS 223, only Launch PXE OpRom available in boot tab. Also there is no any switch to disable UEFI boot. Is it possible to install Windows 7(MBR only) on BIOS version 223?
And how is it possible to set BIOS to Legacy mode as currently I have only HDD's?

Level 7
Hi bjurn ive joined the forum just to say thanks for this post....i was getting totally stressed with the wifi driver search.....BRILLIANT JOB !!!