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Buying an ASUS = Worst Customer Experience

Level 7
Hi everyone. My name is Brian. I decided to invest in an ASUS G53JW-XA1 due to my job. I often work in excess of 40 hours a week completely alone. Many co-workers also invest in laptops in order to stay sane. I use my laptop for entertainment, and for online college courses.

Initially I loved the i7 processor and GTX 460m gpu. I'm not tech savvy, but I do enjoy to play video games.

The cost was around $1250, with a $100 mail-in rebate. I researched laptops for two months, and when I could finally afford the ASUS, I was so excited to receive it.

My $100 rebate was denied by ASUS, on grounds that I had not sent a UPC/bar code. However, I did send in the UPC/bar code. This was frustrating, since the website "" has scanned copies of all the material I sent, including the UPC/bar code.

ASUS gave me a long distance phone number to call. I don't think that I should have to pay money in order to resolve a mistake ASUS is responsible for. Instead I called Amazon, the seller, and they gave me the $100 refund instead.

This was far from my first problem with ASUS.

All 5 of the USB ports were loose. Plugged-in devices would shut off or not work properly, until I readjusted them or applied some gentle pressure. Then the power adapter pin broke off in the jack. The notebook could no longer receive power, and was essentially useless.

I contacted ASUS, and initially they wanted to charge me for shipping and possibly repairs, due to customer induced damage, or something like that. I did no more than plug and unplug the jack from my laptop. It's ridiculous to fault me for that.

However, ASUS did eventually cover the repair to the power adapter, after I called them further. It took approximately a week or to in turnaround. ASUS did not fix my USB ports.

Perhaps two or three months later, the same situation happened. So again, I sent the laptop in to get the power adapter fixed. In addition, I very specifically asked them to fix the USB ports.

ASUS did fix the pin. I have to give them credit, they also made some cosmetic fixes to, such as missing rubber pads on the bottom of the notebook. However, turnaround was two weeks. And yet again, most of the USB ports are STILL defective.

Also, during their repairs they warped my keyboard and got a large speck of dust on the inside of my camera lense.

Twice in a row ASUS did not fix USB ports that were defective ever since I received the laptop.

Two days ago the power adapter pin broke for a third time. I have owned my computer for six months. However, I have only had possession of it for five months, when you consider that it was away for repairs for a month's worth of time.

Three broken pins in five months. This is unacceptable.

Amazon has offered me an 80% refund. I have not accepted it yet, as of this writing. However, if ASUS' solution is to make me wait for two weeks for another repair that will probably fail again, then I have to take the refund. The ASUS warranty is only good for a year, and I can't risk that this will happen again.

So not only did ASUS deny me a $100 rebate, but they'll end up costing me another $230.

Unless ASUS has a better solution, then I'm going to have to say goodbye to this company, and spend my money elsewhere in the future.

Level 12
I believe since you had the same problem that required an RMA 3 times, you can get a new unit. Check with Chastity (a mod on this forum that also works for asus. )

Good luck man. I used to be in QC and some of what I read here makes me cringe. I'm worried about what I can look forward to happenning to my new G74 -SX ... 😞
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
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Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

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JRd1st on

Hey JRd, thanks for taking the time to reply to both of my threads. You seem like a really good person to take the time to try and help me. 🙂

I would be open to accepting a new unit. That would be a good start on their part. However, ASUS would have to go beyond that in order to regain my trust as a consumer. There still remains the fact that they owe me a $100 rebate, and they initially blamed me for damaging the product. I also read that this damaged pin problem is something many other consumers are having.

I think a slightly upgraded unit, $100, and a 6 month extension on the warranty and a sincere apology would be fair. I highly doubt they would give me $100 though.

In addition, even if I received a replacement unit, I would still be afraid of the power adapter being damaged again. It seems numerous people have had this problem.

btk131 wrote:
Instead I called Amazon, the seller, and they gave me the $100 refund instead.


btk131 wrote:

I think a slightly upgraded unit, $100, and a 6 month extension on the warranty and a sincere apology would be fair. I highly doubt they would give me $100 though.

Since Amazon give you already the $ 100, I call it a fraud to try to get it twice...

MarkedOne wrote:
Since Amazon give you already the $ 100, I call it a fraud to try to get it twice...

I would offer to reimburse Amazon. ASUS should have been responsible for fulfilling the mail-in rebate, not Amazon. I would be just as happy if ASUS reimbursed Amazon directly.

To me it's a matter of principle and integrity.

MarkedOne, I hope that clarifies my intentions.

So, Marked One, would you call it fraud to offer a $100 rebate and then deny it when the customer meets the terms of the agreement?

Good luck on that! lol According to Jesse550, it looks like 4th time is the hat trick.

And the broken pin thing IS common, at least on the forums. And it IS common for it to happen multiple times to the same people. :heavy sigh:
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
LG E2350 LED LCD Monitor
Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

Drivers, Apps and How To's
Latest nVidia Drivers

JRd1st on

Not applicable
I believe he needs it repaired the times, 4th time = replacement. I had a similar problem (just sent in for 3rd repair in 6 months), chastity@asus helped me out and hopefully since I had direct contact during the repair process I'm aware that the problems were fixed so hopefully I should have a fully working, awesome unit.

Level 18
Outstanding OP. Welcome to the ROG forum..
Did you contact Chastity?
Or place this directly in the RMA Section.. Meet Mason.
The rebate thing is seperate..somewhere in marketing or sales
or even something contracted through a retailer..who knows..
it was satisfied.
Best of Luck.