ROG Gaming Notebooks
For previous generations of GX and G series gaming notebooks.
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Forum Posts

ROG G751JY monitor lcd screen replacement

I was replacing the battery on my laptop, as I was putting it back together, I caused static electricity. I put the computer back together and the computer works, but the screen is now flickering. I connected my laptop via HDMI to my tv and there's n...

G751JY Tekken7 lighting issue?

Hello guys.I've tried looking everywhere but I cannot seem to find a solution to my issue.This issue has been happening only with the newly released Tekken 7 and is a very strange one to me:Basically I see edges around sources of light but it apparen...

G751JY audio issue with Windows 10 CU 1703

Windows 10 x64 CU 1703 (15063.138). Realtek any driver (tested up to 8105 Maxx Audio bundle).From Reliability Monitor:Descrizione Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe Firma del problema Nome evento prob...

hexaae by Level 14
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asus rog g552vw temperature problem

hello! i got a heating problem with my asus rog g552vw and i am not sure what to do. first of all i have searched the forum and i've seen that for most of the people bios update solved it..for me it didn't. i got the laptop few months ago and im not...

smeen23 by Level 7
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My G771 laptop has a wifi problem

So I'm at my girlfriends house, and the two of us are playing league, same internet, literally right beside each other. However, her ping (on her triple core ancient piece of crap laptop) remained at 72, while mine fluctuated to the dreaded "attempt...