ROG Gaming Notebooks
For previous generations of GX and G series gaming notebooks.
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Forum Posts

Play Pause Button for Spotify

Hi guys, I literally just purchased my G74SX-XT1 today, I've got a lot of my stuff set up, but I'm curious is there a way I can set the play pause and next and back buttons to Spotify rather then windows media center.Thanks in advance,Ben.

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SSD M2 issue asus rog gx700vo

Hello,I recently purchased and attempted to install a new M.2 SATA 2TB SSD into my laptop, but unfortunately, the system did not recognize it. Troubleshooting this problem, I followed the recommended installation procedures carefully, but the SSD rem...

frost80 by Level 7
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Weird color temperature problem

Hello everyone!I've been the proud owner of a G75VW-NS71 w/ 670m for quite some time now and currently having an annoying issue.I'm a photographer first and gamer second. I recently started using a second monitor for my photo editing, the PA248Q conn...

Laptop Accessories included with ROG?

When you buy a ROG Laptop in India, you usually get a mouse, laptop and headset with it. I'm ordering one from USA and wanted to know if the same applies over there. I can't find this information on the internet and no online retail website has liste...