G75 - GTX660M or GTX670M? Benchmark
Is Anybody found some comparision of this two cards in G75 model? Benchmarks or something?
Is Anybody found some comparision of this two cards in G75 model? Benchmarks or something?
G75G55My G73Jh is 2 generations old now so I may be looking at an upgrade.
Does anyone know if the new 3rd generation mobile processors are compatible with the G74SX? I am thinking if so, I am going to uprade my processor...
Just curious if any of you have come across this.. Sorry for the topic name but I didn't know how to accurately describe it..So there I was playing bf3 for a few hours.. no problems.I took a break, started browsing youtube for an hour or so.Go to pla...
Question how much do you think a 2month old ASUS G53SW laptop should go for? I'm putting mine on eBay in the next month or so...
Hi!Yesterday I installed a new SSD to my G53sx, installed Windows on it, downloaded all the drivers and useful programs.And now I get blue-screen when my computer has been in "Quiet Office" mode for a few minutes. My current settings for "Quiet Offic...
Well i was wondering if its "Possible" to replace a none 3d screen with the 120hz 3d one. From my understanding it should be, Asus are being very quite on the subject which leads me to believe that it is, and that they dont want people buying the ch...
New!nVidia 295.51Verde Graphics Drivers***nVidia 290.53 Verde Notebook Driver Beta***nVidia 295.18 Beta - info/Compatability ***nVidia 285.74 (from Asus site)***11/28/11nVidia 290.36 BetaSee Info***11/14/11 nVidia PhysX v9.11.1107***11/11/11nVidia...
Any news about G55 & G75? release date in april, probably it'll have GTX 660M/670M and the 3rd generation CPU (i5/i7).
I've been trying to boot UEFI mode with Win 7 DVD and Win 7 USB boot using a compilation of all the tutorials and info google can produce. I cannot get it to work with this laptop. Has anyone had success with this?