How to remove Intel logo from ROG Post screen?
Hi, i am a new owner of this notebook. The only thing i dont like is this annoying intel logo shown if i turn on my notebook. how can i remove this "malware" picture from my BIOS? greetz, Osiris
Hi, i am a new owner of this notebook. The only thing i dont like is this annoying intel logo shown if i turn on my notebook. how can i remove this "malware" picture from my BIOS? greetz, Osiris
hello everybody, i want to remove the password of the bios (hdd master and user) someone can help me?
I keep getting this error on my computer when trying to recover under computer a recovery drive R: has appeared
I was just wondering if there is anyone who could assist me in doing a clean install on my laptop. I'm not that bad with computers but I don't wanna screw anything up. If there is anyone i'd be greatly appreciative. ThanksChris
Hey guys,I'm hoping someone can help with this.If just bought the G75 and I'm noticing the mouse randomly stops working. I'm not sure if its always been like this as I usually have a mouse plugged in. Anyone else experience this?Thanks
I have the Asus G74Sx-XT1, and would like add a "SSD".Any suggestions on a reliable 120, or 160 GB drive?
Hello! I've been having some issues lately with my video driver crashing. What happens is that my screen will freeze, then go black, and usually when the video comes back up there are serious performance issues until I restart. I am basically only pl...
I just got this laptop today.And I was wondering if the Asus G55VW-DS71 is able to be used with the AC plugged in and no battery. Or is the battery required?...Currently it doesn't seem to power on without the battery.
On last Friday (1. June) i bought the ASUS G75VW-T1040V and it was delivered one day later.After booting up and looking around i missed the AI Recovery Icon on the Desktop.Not only the shortcut was missing the whole program was not installed.After i...
Hi,I was wondering if I could assign the 3 extra buttons on my g53 to a different function?I'm not using power4gear because it's redundant with windows' own power management, but I would still like to use the key (the one with a speedometer) to switc...