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Battlefield 3 System requirements released

Level 9
So, they just released the BF3 system req's.

CPU: 2 Cores / – Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHz eller Athlon X2 2,7 Ghz
Mem: 2gb
GPU AMD: DX10.1 w/ 512 MB mem
– Radeon 3000, 4000, 5000 eller 6000-seriee with performance as HD 3870
GPU Nvidia: DX10.1 w/ 512 MB mem
– Geforce 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 eller 500-series with performance as 8800GT
Sound: DirectX Compatible
HDD: 20gb
OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit

Mouse & Keyboard (duh)

CPU: 4 cores
Mem: 4gb
GPU AMD: DX 11 comp with 1024 min mem (HD6950)
GPU Nvidia: DX11 Comp with 1024 min mem (GTX 560)
HDD: 20gb
OS: W 7 / 64bit

aaand mouse & keyboard

So, question is! I have the G73 SW with following specs.

i7 2.0ghz
8gb mem (1333)
GTX 460m 1.5gb

I mean can my shit run that other shit? I don't need it to be in ultra specs, but playable. No pixel wars.
I know it's kind of stupid to ask that now without any demo release or so. But I don't really wanna buy the game and end up licking the disc instead of actually playing it :((

Regards, Korre!

Naits wrote:
I guess we will all see the 27th anyways? 😛 I was just wondering if I would be able to play the game on max settings in native resolution, but i guess not 😞

so did you not listen to what i said?
dstrakele wrote:
I just blow the flames out and keep playin'....

You are one abraissive kid Grungeboy 🙂 ADHD kids ->>>>> that way

Level 9
Your G73 will be able to run Battlefield great without any problems, you may not be able to use some advanced features such as Super-Sampling but those silly things don't make much a difference anyway. Dice has said during interviews that their coding on the Frost Bite 2 engine will be a lot more efficient then the original engine it terms of hardware usage, meaning the game won't be so harsh on your hardware.

You should be fine. 🙂
| Asus G74Sx-A1 | GeForce GTX 560m 3gb GDDR5 |
| 16Gb 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram | 2630QM I7-Quad Core |
| BluRay + Bluetooth | 2x 750gb Sata HDD Drives |

Level 10
i know, i don't mean to be abrasive. years of technical support do that to you. 😞
dstrakele wrote:
I just blow the flames out and keep playin'....

Not applicable

No, I read what you wrote 🙂