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Battery not charging :(

Level 7
I have bad luck ... when i win with temps and have good fun with my G751 JY yestarday night my battery stop charging , she stay at 70% plugged not charging ... i leave laptop unplaged for night , thinking maybe some reset ... but nothing change i pluged start and still the same 70% plugged not charging , and orange diod on / off all time i have last day to give back this laptop and takes money or try to switch , any idea what to do if i cant take off baterry ?
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike

Level 10
Dont worry bro, it's because of the NBFC. It also happened to me 2 days ago :). Just restart your laptop and after the ASUS logo appears PRESS&HOLD the power button for 5-7 secs until your battery led goes completely off. Then power on your laptop and everything will be fine. I think that NBFC messes with the Power Manager.
PS: Make the whole procedure while the AC is plugged in.

Hahahhaah thx bro its working 🙂 Uffff i think i need change undervolting cause some isues yesterday in game all starts like i will use all time wheel in mouse so screen coming closer and back ... i thinking my mous dieing cause is old ... so i unpluged her and use touchpad same with him .... so i turn off game and when i look at some pages in internet pages start back to previous ... and then my laptop go sleep 😛 i push o=button on mouse laptop back and again pages lives on hes own 😛 when i back undrvolting to default all back good only not battery 🙂 I think that for i7 4860 undervolting without isues is only -50v cause on this in idle never drop volt under 0,6
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike

Level 10
I don't think that those problems are from Undervolting. I also ecountered some strange problems but because of NBFC. I messed with the read/write register and then it started making random left clicks and then it happened just like in your case, my laptop went into sleep mode and after that the battery led started blinking orange and it didn't charge anymore. If you wanna be sure, just uninstall the NBFC (eventually make a system restore to be sure that there aren't any registry changes left) and then test your Undervolting stability.
I'm more than 100% sure that your problems aren't related to the CPU voltage. If the voltage was too low the main problems that should have appeared are random restarts or BSODs.

Level 7
Some very smart guy say to me that isnt good when volt is under 0,6 in idle so i test now with -50 i have idle 0,62v with NBFC and we will see 🙂
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike

Level 8
Nitrox. Out of curiosity did this solve your random mouse clicks aswell?
wishmaker. So far ive found -50 to be the best profile ive used. At the momoent im trying -75. Its passed the xtu stresses and idle for hours but the real test will be a few hours on bf4 with no crashing.

insiZion1 wrote:
Nitrox. Out of curiosity did this solve your random mouse clicks aswell?
wishmaker. So far ive found -50 to be the best profile ive used. At the momoent im trying -75. Its passed the xtu stresses and idle for hours but the real test will be a few hours on bf4 with no crashing.

Which cpu u have ? On 4860hq i have crash on -90 , on -75 zero crashes but vol min in idle was lower then 0,6 so i change now to -50
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike

insiZion1 wrote:
Nitrox. Out of curiosity did this solve your random mouse clicks aswell?
wishmaker. So far ive found -50 to be the best profile ive used. At the momoent im trying -75. Its passed the xtu stresses and idle for hours but the real test will be a few hours on bf4 with no crashing.

I didn't use NBFC since I had messed with the register values and got the battery problem 2 days ago. I will check it out today if I got some spare time. If I'll get a stable profile I will come back with news about it :).

@ Wishmaker: Yup. I will take your advice into consideration. I hope that I won't get any crashes as it is right now.

Its not about crashes but about performance , to low voltage its not good like to high 🙂
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike

Level 10
I have 4710hq . I am running on -90mv on cores and -100mv on cache, since Christmas and it seems quite stable at this point. I think it could even go lower but XTU doesn't let me go any lower than that... In idle I get 0.574 the lowest voltage. This undervolting experience is quite different for each CPU . You know what is best for yours :). I just wanted to tell you that the problems you had in games might not be due to CPU undervolt.

I even tried going to -150mv on System Agent, -150mv on Digital and Analog offsets, but they didn't seem to change the temperature of the CPU in any way.