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bad g751 bios flash

Level 7
yesterday i would flash the newest bios(211) for g751 jt! after start asus winflash the computer shutdown and begin to flash but after a moment before all was done he shutdown and start again! that was the bigin off a loolp!
i have flashed all bioses on this computer with the same procedure but this time there was an error. can someone tell me if a recoveryflash helps and how i did it!
i have performed the try and error game with the renamed bios on hdd/sdd/usb/fat32/ntfs/.bin.BIN.rom etc....
it seems that ctrl+home+powerbutton helps but when the keybordlight goes on nothing else happends and he loops again with the lights on.
in one cl albert has checked that ctrl+home is working in one tread but i cant handle this info!
my last try was usb 32gb fat32 formatted with the renamed bios G751JTAS.BIN and G751JT.BIN on it! hold ctrl+home+power holding
the computer comes on again with keyboard,release button and the happends nothing!
on my n55vd i had a working bios and on this maschine the ctrl+home tips is functional without usb... i have no plan what is to do...rma? oh,no...hate
never touch arunning system(idiot)

Level 7
im on rma in warranty...and bis dato nothing has worked
.BIN or .bin have tryed both and

Yes sometimes it won't work. Its much safer to update BIOS/UEFI from Ezflash with in the BIOS itself in the future.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

yes i know its safer....but when i read this page
there isnt one word about ezflash! on evry maschiene the same same text with winflash procedure.only on g752 page is the procedure described with the ezflash tool shame on again asus
edit: maybe its a bad flash because on german supportpage is only an old version of winflash look at the dates!
on this page
there is a newer version of winflash. i think i got the wrong winflash version for the newest bios. is this my fault there was no other version in germany for win 8.1 64 bit.

Level 7
wanna know if we want,make a poll how many bad asus bios flashs here in the rog laptop section?! it seems that the power users also have 1or two bad

Well there has always been the chance that upgrading the BIOS can and sometimes does Brick your notebook. Following these forums I would say so far the G752 have been the least likely to brick. The G75 VW were no issue until BIOS Version 221 came out then we were seeing almost daily people with brick Notebooks from BIOS upgrades. Some were rescued with the Ctrl + Home many were not and had to RMA to recover. While there have been a few through the G75VX, G750, G751, it hasn't been a lot of people that actually bricked there notebooks.
I think your probably correct that using the older winflash may have caused your problem, Or it could have just been bad luck. Also one of my always do is to unzip the download directly to the media I intend to use up update with. Copy and Paste that file can cause slight changes that may or may not brick your notebook. Notebooks are just not like desktops that we all have upgrade BIOS/UEFI with out problems for years and years. Seems since UEFI it has become a little more flaky and hazardous not to be taken lightly. I personally never have updated my G75VW beyond 210 no one could tell me of any improvement in 221, 222, and there were lots of Bricked notebooks.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 13
Winflash is just a GUI operated version of eazy flash. You just enter the parameters and when it reboots it launches ez flash. The only difference is when you launch from the bios its looking for a USB drive with the file on it which leads to the possibility of it being a corrupted BIOS file or blip while reading from the HDD/SSD where ever you had it.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 7
so i would tell youre some things...
after my rma the man on the market say the support have changed my motherboard.
in luck i had noticed my serialnumber of book! when i look in hwinfo its the same serialnumber as before!
is that the next lie?