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backlight bleed thoughts and ideas on how to reducing it ?

Level 7
can you guys take a shots of your monitor with a camera (without flash) in darkroom with dark wallpaper ?
mine suffer from bleed on the upper left corner and at the bottom
my desktop monitor had the same but it has a lot of settings which allow me to adjust it to acceptable level , i don't find those settings
on Asus laptop monitor like contrast the only thing these monitor has is brightness mode Fn+ brightness key and splendid app

these are my photo on my unite u can notice the bright one is 100% and less bright is 50% brightness ( ignore the image quality )

Level 12
Splendid messes with color correction, uninstall it, and reboot. It is one of the first things I uninstall on new Asus laptops.

That may not affect the backlight bleed, but it will help color balance. If it does help backlight bleed level, please let us know 🙂

Level 9
The bleeding is due to display bezel putting pressure on the screen. To fix it you'd have to take it apart and use a file on it to reduce the pressure in the area where you experience bleeding.

Corporal wrote:
The bleeding is due to display bezel putting pressure on the screen. To fix it you'd have to take it apart and use a file on it to reduce the pressure in the area where you experience bleeding.

darknyght / Corporal, someone posted a great G751 thread on having removed the bottom screen retaining clips under the bezel, and that remove the pressure points causing the pinching of the screen material causing the bleed hotspots.

Searching doesn't bring it up, but it had photo's as well, and the bleed was all gone.

IDK if removing the clips is required - their support of the screen weight would seem desirable, but bending them out so they act at least like a shelf for the weight of the screen, but not putting pressure on the screen material might work better.

Unfortunately Asus doesn't seem to be hip to fixing the pinching, as others have sent it in for RMA, and gotten them back with only a little improvement. I would think Asus would be best equipped to remove the bezel and unpinch the retaining clips.

Completely removing the pressure points on the bottom seems like the only solution that has worked so far.