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AsusBacktracker Backup Factory Image Windows 8 G75VX

Level 8
Hi. New in Asus Download.

-Backup factory Image: Usb Device +14Gb

-Backup ASUS Driver/Application: Usb Device +3Gb

-System Recovery: Refresh system
Reset system

Link Update

G703GS + 970 Evo
G75VX 670mx@770m

Yes, I wanted a plain factory image, incase I replace my HD.
Since I wanted to try Windows 7 as well, I needed my factory settings 🙂

Welll... I had my programs installed, since the program didn't exist yet 🙂

Back to the program..

Task Manager->Detail->then find the "Robocopy" process

Kill that task, and it will continue creating the backup.

I did not try yet to restore from it... gonna need another HDD to do that..
my 2nd HDD is full, so maybe I'll back that one up and use that, to try it out..
But that's goinna be a weekend project.

Level 7
Backed up all my HDD's and took the plunge of restoring with the USB.
Everything went perfect, so the backup program, made a good image.

Now making a blue ray of the image, so I have an extra backup in my archive...
Thought I would share that, that the program does what it suppose to do. Feeling a lot better now I can try to install Windows 7 hehe 🙂

Level 13

it's better to create images/iso's of the backup and store them in an external hdd, just in case.

Level 7
I can now confirm that, after I removed my original 750HDD and installed 1x120SSD + 1x500SSD without any backup of my old OS. That Windows did find the key automatically, I was not asked to enter any key, and my Windows 8 is activated as it should.

Level 7
Killing the process gives me an error code from back tracker.
Any solutions to this?

Level 7
I have done a backup with the Asus Backtracker, and it worked well when I had to restore my notebook.
I used a 16GB pendrive as it's the only option in the program to make the backup (I bought it specifically for that =@ ), and I didn't remove any partition although I would like it.

So I suggest, if you need to make a factory backup, to use this program, but do not delete the backup partitions.

Level 7
you didn't answer my question... I get stuck after Backtracker does the boot part for the flash drive. afterwards it just won't move, and following the steps from above doesn't help. I think it's due to the fact that i have my windows on an SSD and the recovery image on the old HDD...and maybe the fact that i deleted some partitions...