Pasted from my thread at notebookreview
I just received my g53sx from fedex today and i open the box and there's no power cord. I called them up and first they told me i needed to purchase a new power cord (that asus wasn't responsible for accessories). I argued with them and received a case number, they should be shipping me a power adapter soon.
I was pretty angry because it says right on the packing sheet that i sent it, so i should receive it back. You would think that since it's in the packing description it should be normal to double check before the rma is packaged and shipped out, apparently not. Anyway that's not that big of a mistake, i'd pay shipping if i had to and it's excusable.
So i have my g53sx-a1 that i bricked doing a bios update with
thread here. I had the computer for about 45 mins then bricked it so i decided to start it up and mess with it a little (it has about 24% battery left, no way to charge it right now). Well i start it no problem, log into windows and then i realize my gpu observer program is reading the gpu as a gtx460m with 1.5gb ram (it's supposed to be a gtx560m with 2gb ram). In the device manager it confirms it's a gtx460m. From what i'm guessing they replaced the motherboard with one from an older g53sx or a g53sw that has the 192bit bus instead of the 128bit bus. So they couldn't use the gtx560m with the replacement motherboard.
Now some of you may argue the gtx460m on the higher 192bit bus is better, it is but it's not what i paid for. I called up asus and they gave me another rma number, i told them i have no personal information on the computer and would like an exchange because i'm having nothing but problems from them. They told me since i used the warranty that an exchange is not possible.
So i'm pretty angry with the whole situation, i'm so pissed off that i'm thinking about suing asus. I own a small computer repair store and if i was to do this to a customers computer i would get sued. If i had to replace the motherboard with an older version i would tell the customer. Asus is a huge corporation, they shouldn't have these huge flaws in their system.
I think that if i was just a normal user i wouldn't have noticed that they actually downgraded the video card, i'd still be mad about the power adapter though.
Here is some proof it's the gtx460m instead of the gtx560m that's supposed to be in it.

So what should i do? Sue asus or send in this expensive laptop that i've used for 45 mins that i've had nothing but problems with?