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Asus rog g750jz xs72 Display Screen intel problem

Level 7
That is normal ? What should i do ?

Level 7
Sorry if I invade your topics, but I need your feedback! I've also a JZ, but mine have 2 thermal region: the left side is always cooler then the right side. This happen to you also?

cerenbjk wrote:
That is normal ? What should i do ?

Cerenbjk, Sorry but I did not get your question here 🙂 can you be a little more specific, if your asking the settings I have similar in that, except the line on the Luminance :).


Iazel90 wrote:
Sorry if I invade your topics, but I need your feedback! I've also a JZ, but mine have 2 thermal region: the left side is always cooler then the right side. This happen to you also?

Lazel90, I have a JZ too, and I can confirm this is not how it's suppose to be, both fans are automatic as well I don't need to change the GPU Fan Speed to Full to cool it down it works automatically on both fans stress testing or games same result, same with my friends having JM and JZ too 🙂
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!

Kelusion wrote:
... I have a JZ too, and I can confirm this is not how it's suppose to be, both fans are automatic as well I don't need to change the GPU Fan Speed to Full to cool it down it works automatically on both fans stress testing or games same result, same with my friends having JM and JZ too 🙂

Kelusion, it isn't that the JM/JS/JZ don't automatically adjust the CPU/GPU fan's, but they don't automatically have control over the full range of fan speed.

In order to get Full Cooling, you need to enable the Full fan in the Asus Tweak Tool for Laptops.

Try it, run a stress test like Prime95 + Furmark 15 minute Burn-in at the same time for full effect, and measure your temps without Full Fan enabled, and with Full Fan Enabled.

The temps are much less when you manually enable Full Fan. About 10C for GPU, and 2-5C for CPU.

hmscott wrote:
Kelusion, it isn't that the JM/JS/JZ don't automatically adjust the CPU/GPU fan's, but they don't automatically have control over the full range of fan speed.

In order to get Full Cooling, you need to enable the Full fan in the Asus Tweak Tool for Laptops.

Try it, run a stress test like Prime95 + Furmark 15 minute Burn-in at the same time for full effect, and measure your temps without Full Fan enabled, and with Full Fan Enabled.

The temps are much less when you manually enable Full Fan. About 10C for GPU, and 2-5C for CPU.

Hmscott, when you talk about complete control of the Fan Speed then yes you are right, completely agree 🙂

However I have done these tests heavily when I got this laptop following your other posts on other threads already.

Coming back to what I was referring to was the question asked by Lazel90 of right side being more warmer then the left, to that is simply NO, they are both equal, both fans work great. For full speed control ofcourse you need to turn on 'Run GPU Fan on Full Speed' since currently we don't have much controlling like the Asus GPU Tweak for older laptops do and I wish Asus to give us more control using the GPU Tweak for JZ/JM/JS Models too, however I really haven't find a need to do it, I know running it can cause drops in Temp, but what's the point of using it when automatically they both work as optimal as they should and much silent :)! This was what I was pointing to originally from Lazel90's question :D!
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!

Kelusion wrote:
Hmscott, when you talk about complete control of the Fan Speed then yes you are right, completely agree 🙂

However I have done these tests heavily when I got this laptop following your other posts on other threads already.

Coming back to what I was referring to was the question asked by Lazel90 of right side being more warmer then the left, to that is simply NO, they are both equal, both fans work great. For full speed control ofcourse you need to turn on 'Run GPU Fan on Full Speed' since currently we don't have much controlling like the Asus GPU Tweak for older laptops do and I wish Asus to give us more control using the GPU Tweak for JZ/JM/JS Models too, however I really haven't find a need to do it, I know running it can cause drops in Temp, but what's the point of using it when automatically they both work as optimal as they should and much silent :)! This was what I was pointing to originally from Lazel90's question :D!

Kelusion, two things come to mind, one is that the right side rear cooling vent, looking from the front, does put out hotter air when under load than the left side rear cooling vent. The GPU puts out more heat volume than the CPU under 100% load. So the right side does run "hotter" from that perspective.

The other is that I agree about not turning on the Full Fan switch. Let it get 10c hotter. It can handle that kind of heat, and who wants to listen to the Full fan at speed, even with headphones on - but many owners insist on turning on the GPU Full fan when gaming to keep things cooler - it helps the CPU temp a few degrees too, probably just from pulling in more cool air overall.

IDK why Asus doesn't give us tools like the ROG motherboards for our ROG Laptops - including more full featured BIOS's - lots more control over the BIOS and Fans - along with everything else. If we could have been able to switch from SPD settings to manual for memory we would have a wider range of memory that we could use - like Corsair Vengeance that has an SPD of 1.5v but runs at 1.35v just fine, if the BIOS would support it.

hmscott wrote:
Kelusion, two things come to mind, one is that the right side rear cooling vent, looking from the front, does put out hotter air when under load than the left side rear cooling vent. The GPU puts out more heat volume than the CPU under 100% load. So the right side does run "hotter" from that perspective.

The other is that I agree about not turning on the Full Fan switch. Let it get 10c hotter. It can handle that kind of heat, and who wants to listen to the Full fan at speed, even with headphones on - but many owners insist on turning on the GPU Full fan when gaming to keep things cooler - it helps the CPU temp a few degrees too, probably just from pulling in more cool air overall.

IDK why Asus doesn't give us tools like the ROG motherboards for our ROG Laptops - including more full featured BIOS's - lots more control over the BIOS and Fans - along with everything else. If we could have been able to switch from SPD settings to manual for memory we would have a wider range of memory that we could use - like Corsair Vengeance that has an SPD of 1.5v but runs at 1.35v just fine, if the BIOS would support it.

I completely agree, like I said before, we really need them to at least let us have proper control of what this machine is capable of fully. Or having a full control of these fans properly like you just mentioned, which will at least make our problems less, and grant us much more flexibility in regards to controlling what we own, rather then watching what happens to which we own.

Yes, the full speed fan switch is great, but as per my gaming sessions which are fairly long, am sure there's a sensitive bunch in us who definitely have this thing in mind, when it comes to letting it run full speed is it might damage the fan/loud sound/why use it and stuff like those, I know it's not the case but yea I definitely for one don't wanna run it :'( this dilemma is bad and yea if I game for an hour or two running it constant would be best if its producing alot of heart, but when it's 7-10 hrs daily or even more, it makes me think otherwise. And I feel like i'm pressuring it a lot. I take care of these pricy things much more better then I do with myself lol, so yea there's a part of me who thinks it might just break and I travel alot hence the repairs and all that is difficult cause I switch countries alot, you know when it comes to you like that. As long as the heat is bearable that's alright if its alot then yes turning it on for some time won't hurt, but yea sometimes its hard to think otherwise.

None the less I miss these options which I had in my 3-4 year old Asus Direct2U 570 card with Asus Tweak for Desktops, and no I don't wanna use Msi or any other GPU tweaks for my JZ, why should I in the first place anyway, when Asus could have done a much better job then they are right now, by giving me flexibility in utilizing the proper power that this card even produces using its own Asus Tweak, and not relying on some other 3rd party for people to begin with anyway.

It is quite frustrating to think of it at times, but yes I really wish and hope they let us control it completely, including the Motherboard to its full extend. All we can do is wait and see if that is possible in the future.
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!

Level 7
Nope equally bro