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Asus ROG G750JZ-T4179H help overclocking configurations

Level 7
Hi! Well, I'll have nothing and my "G750JZ-T4179H" If that seem little 2.5Ghz CPU and I see what subis overclocked to 3.5Ghz and even the graphics ... Well, is it profitable? I see people playing GTAV perfectly with it. But they have not told me to put data 😞 I have neither material nor hands to thermal paste has to be something safe and does not pose any harm at all. Therefore wonder, to advise me with your experience! My level English is low, I hope you understand me. Thanks

Level 7
nobody gives me help?

Yuluga wrote:
Hi! Well, I'll have nothing and my "G750JZ-T4179H" If that seem little 2.5Ghz CPU and I see what subis overclocked to 3.5Ghz and even the graphics ... Well, is it profitable? I see people playing GTAV perfectly with it. But they have not told me to put data 😞 I have neither material nor hands to thermal paste has to be something safe and does not pose any harm at all. Therefore wonder, to advise me with your experience! My level English is low, I hope you understand me. Thanks

Yuluga wrote:
nobody gives me help?

Yuluga, we can't understand what you want 🙂

There is no need to re-paste your CPU/GPU to play GTA. Are you seeing high temperatures for your CPU/GPU? What are they, and how are you generating the high temperatures - benchmarks, games, ?

If you are looking for game settings, look to GeForce Experience, Youtube reviews, auto game settings, etc. Read what has already been posted, rather than ask the same already answered questions again.

Experiment on your own too, it is a learning process that you need to go through on your own to understand what settings you are taking from others - you can't assume they know what they are doing and that their settings apply to your computer hardware directly. If you can find a G750JZ / 880m posting / video where they list their settings that is about as close as you can get.

There are already lots of threads talking about GTA V - find them and post your questions in those threads.

The same goes for re-pasting threads, search the G750 forums for lots of threads with plenty of info.

The same goes for overclocking the G750/G751, there are lots of threads already in play.

And, whatever you find, please post your results into those threads to share with the community. 🙂

I'm sorry, I'm new to these issues overclocking, neither understand nor turbo mode where it down 😞 I need help, are sensitive issues

Yuluga wrote:
I'm sorry, I'm new to these issues overclocking, neither understand nor turbo mode where it down 😞 I need help, are sensitive issues

Yuluga, that's cool, everyone starts out at the beginning, and it just takes time and the persistence to do a lot of reading and the experimenting - you'll get there 🙂

Also for CPU stock I am using multiplier 32 on all cores and cache with voltage -80mV
Asus Rog G750JZ
Screen: 1920x1080 17.3'
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4700HQ (3.4Ghz @ -70mV)
GPU: GeForce GTX 880M 4GB (OC +125Mhz Core, +600Mhz Memory @ 1.062V)
RAM: Samsung 32GB 1600MHz
Storage #1: Samsung Evo 840 250GB
Storage #2: Samsung Evo 850 500GB
Storage #3: Seagate Barracuda 2TB
Storage #4: Samsung Evo 128GB MicroSD

Level 11
I play GTA V on my Asus Rock G750JZ with stock clocks on Very high at pretty much 60 FPS on average.

CPU is underclocked to multiplier 32 and voltage is set to -80mV.

If you're looking for OC then you have to read a lot of material on how to do it and what are the risks because you can seriously not only damage your computer but also seriously kill it.

Once you're familiarized with it here are my OC settings that are fully stable and under control of the temperature:
GPU: Memory +500Mhz, Core +100Mhz, Voltage: 1075
CPU: Multiplier 36 (Also on cache clock), Voltage -70mV

I also use Asus Overclock Utility that enables me to use the fans on the max speed giving me nice low temperatures ("low" lol)

Asus Rog G750JZ
Screen: 1920x1080 17.3'
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4700HQ (3.4Ghz @ -70mV)
GPU: GeForce GTX 880M 4GB (OC +125Mhz Core, +600Mhz Memory @ 1.062V)
RAM: Samsung 32GB 1600MHz
Storage #1: Samsung Evo 840 250GB
Storage #2: Samsung Evo 850 500GB
Storage #3: Seagate Barracuda 2TB
Storage #4: Samsung Evo 128GB MicroSD

Level 11
As far the T goes. Right now when playing GTA V CPu reaches 90°C and GPU 93°C.
Asus Rog G750JZ
Screen: 1920x1080 17.3'
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4700HQ (3.4Ghz @ -70mV)
GPU: GeForce GTX 880M 4GB (OC +125Mhz Core, +600Mhz Memory @ 1.062V)
RAM: Samsung 32GB 1600MHz
Storage #1: Samsung Evo 840 250GB
Storage #2: Samsung Evo 850 500GB
Storage #3: Seagate Barracuda 2TB
Storage #4: Samsung Evo 128GB MicroSD