jdfrench3 wrote:
ASUS did provide a means to restore your laptop, a recovery partition, but you wiped that as well.
A third party site provides a means to purchase a recovery disk for your ASUS model.
This is what I wrote:
"to be clear, before anyone answer that one should always make a copy of their recovery driver... I am one of those idiots who enthousiastically formatted their drive and did (attempted) a clean windows install without all the windows spyware and and bloatware. I hadt had a good rig in years and in the past i used to do it that way. But shouldnt have done that. So yes I should have done that, but didnt."
Why would they offer such an unnecessary tool if you can just use the download page, one wonders. Only in US though, so not for me.
Not much helpfull info in your sticky except for the old "you shouldnt have"
after a clean win 10 install for instance ATK is definitly not ready but looking at the Inst.ini from the cd this should be the case, :
WNT_6.3 = Win10
; prerun phase
; ATK need ready, but should already in PNPdriver
it isnt, also loooks for a dptf.dv file in windows/asus. This isnt on esupport folder so prolly in the image that is loaded. Honestly i dont even now if this is an important file, but there are just a lot of lttle things that could be of big differnce. This file is looked for from the windows/asus folder and then copied to serviceprofiles. With a clean install there is a dsp.dv file which is included in dptf packages.
Now you would assume these are different files why else make a special preload phase copy command. Why are other as me also experiencing problems with regular instals, because something's different. The difference is not to be found in the esupport folder but in the image that is stored in the hidden recovery partition original.
from I386 folder: ASUSConfig
set DPTFPath=C:\Windows\ASUS\DPTF
if exist %DPTFPath%\dptf.dv (
mkdir C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Intel\DPTF
copy /y %DPTFPath%\dptf.dv C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Intel\DPTF)
also if you dont install net 35 first some of the drivers wont install correctly.
ASUS should make recovery partition available or a USB recovery drive.
BTW there is a new MYASUS app in windows store, but for me it only has partial functionality, but some of you could try it. Look at tese links to see what it is :
https://www.asus.com/nl/support/FAQ/1039718https://www.asus.com/nl/support/FAQ/1038301by limited functionality I mean none of the usefull functions are available to me.
isnt it great that I have to tell you about this app on the forum.
Edited by cl-Albert 7/1/19