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Asus G751JY and Intel AC7260 issue [SOLVED]

Level 8
Hi everyone,
I purchased this used laptop to do some light gaming on. The laptop works great. Has windows 10 Pro version 1809, but the wireless card will disconnect using the recommended Asus driver for this laptop. I downloaded the latest driver from Intel when it was released in May of this year, and it has the same issues. The wireless card will disconnect randomly. After spending hours reading different threads on the issue, the drive that I have installed is dated from 2/22/2015 version that I grabbed from Microsoft's catalog site. I still get random disconnects, but its not as bad with newer drivers that I tried. I'd like to replace this card with one that works without this issue.

Some suggested the Intel 3160. Any recommendations?

Level 12
I had one of those AC7260 cards fail in much the same way. I simply replaced it with another. Problem solved.

May I suggest you download and install the Intel Driver and Support Assistant program. I run it every couple weeks to keep all the Intel drivers on my motherboard up to date.
G752VSK, G75VW-3D, G51J, G1S
Homebuilt Windows Server

Thanks for the response. Do you remember the replacement model you used?

I replaced the bad Intel AC7260 card with an identical Intel AC7260.
G752VSK, G75VW-3D, G51J, G1S
Homebuilt Windows Server

Level 9
Check that in device manager you have the right settings with the router you are using and disable power management there too.

Thanks for the response. Yes in device manager, I have the power management turned off so it's always on. Not sure about what setting I need based on the router I have. I have AT&T. My house is new, meaning I have fiber coming in. I guess I'll have to experiment with that setting. The driver I have currently seems to work about 95% of the time. Weird that version would work fine, but the one from Asus or Intel, don't seem to work that well.

Level 9
Login into your router and check wifi settings where you can see the band frequencies and take a screenshoot and post it here.
I got same troubles long time ago until understand that the settings for the wifi card depend of router settings, and others small factors like if in your aera there is a lot of routers from neighbours, walls, floors etc. (Explain a bit about your case)
Will try to help. Will change my windows language to english.

Are you on Windows 8.1 or 10 ? Is the signal from your wifi always strong wherever you are with the laptop ?

You should install those drivers :

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to show 4 screen shots. #1 and #2 are the main page. I'm windows 10 1809 x64. My house is a single story. I have zero issues with any other laptop, desktop, phone, etc.

Level 9
On last picture you should click on Wi-Fi, need the connection Type 802.11 with letters after like 802.11a/b and try broadband too.
Everything about WI-FI . Don't need the 2 first screenshoots you can edit and delete them.


Here are the options: