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ASUS G751JT vs MSI GT72 [closed]

Level 7
Well, I've been tormenting myself for a week now, reading and looking through different forums trying to get the best laptop.
My budget is 1500$ and I'm trying to decide between the GT751-JT and the GT72 Dominator. For the same price, the Dominator comes
with G-sync and a i7 7500HQ compared to asus i7 4710HQ. On the other hand the GT72 screen is flimsy, not as well built; both have
good cooling but i heard Asus is better(probably the best)...
On the costumer support side I have read a lot of negative reviews which dont encourage me to go forward; but at least the
asus forums are pretty active compared to msi, from what I saw. The biggest thing that makes me cautious would be the fact that
I've seen a lot of people complaining about hardware failures and problems with drivers right from the start (especially audio).
Both laptops have their pros and cons but I'm hoping for something that could last for at least 3 years.

- Why should I go with Asus over Msi ?
- Have you ever talked to Asus support to get a problem fixed ?

Edit by cl-Albert: Thread has been closed. Please discuss at the new thread below if interested. Thanks.!-ASUS-vs-MSI

Level 9
The screen is flimsy/not as well built? How do you mean, exactly?

Both laptops will likely treat you just fine as long as you treat them well, though the MSI may give you more "bang for your buck" (whatever that means - I mean, I know what it means, but it's just a silly expression).

Neither model has excessively high failure rates that we know of, and we sell both models.

We customize Asus, MSI, and Clevo laptops!

Oh I know, I've actually msgd people from xotic & prostar (both recommended msi). And yes from the reviews I've seen the GT72's screen is fragile, supposedly...
What would you go with and why ? (kinda strange asking this on the asus forums)

JackMack wrote:
Oh I know, I've actually msgd people from xotic & prostar (both recommended msi). And yes from the reviews I've seen the GT72's screen is fragile, supposedly...
What would you go with and why ? (kinda strange asking this on the asus forums)

In my office we originally purchased 18 gt80 and 22 gt72s. I was given the gt80 and i can tell you after months of problems with mine and dealing with 15+ rmas out of our 40 units purchased for quality issues i am l;ess than impressed. I have literally had my hands inside of every single msi laptop we have purchased for one problem or another. Msi rma has also been pathetic you can document something with photos and walk the tech through it but the 19 year old that has never worked on a laptop before will still send you back the same problem.

Heres an example of one of my rma calls. Im telling the so called tech that the GT80 we sent in is not working in SLI and 3 different techs including a supervisor told me they didnt know what i was talking about the GT80 cant sli it only has one gpu and sli is only for desktops.......... Ya that has been my experience with rma with msi in multiple locations not just here. Our staff travels a lot and we cant afford to have such terrible service and terrible build quality with poor thermal designs.

It was at a huge loss and cost that we switched over to g751s but almost everyone that had a msi pushed and complained until we did. Since switching to g751s there have been very few instances i have had to deal with anything and they have all been minor. Sure people on these forums complain that asus wont give them g sync on older models when it never advertised having g sync on those models and some people have audio problems but the 38 g751s we use dont have any audio issues and we use them very hard. When you sell as many products as Asus does you will run into problems mostly from wear and tear and user error.

What really sealed the deal for us was not just the build quality and better cooling of the g751s but the ability to use the newest fastest ssds as m.2 pcie Samsung SM951s. The performance of these game changing drives can run triple that of regular sata ssds. Msi still doesnt offer pcie m.2s its using older Sata 3 in raid. After changing everyone from 850 pros which are great drives over to SM951s the results have been fantastic. The difference as noticable as going from a HDD to SSD for us.

If you have any questions you can shoot me a message and ill do my best to sway you over to a G751.
3d printed parts and accessories for the G751. You know you want something better than OEM ->[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

So Aeolisio you strike me as a kind of guy that sales people's their own houses. I do admit, I like the looks of Asus more, not too flashy and seems
more solid; I also checked some repair centers found nothing on Kansas City... I'm thinking that this G sync buisness is more helpful when you're using
a weaker gpu; and since the 970m ain't as good as the 980m, it would be more useful to have. The cheapest G751 with g sync is around 1800$ (300 more
than i can afford).

How much of an impact would you think g sync has in new games ?
Since you had so many gt72's and G751's and used them " hard " (as you say) how did they perform after a few months; did they ever turn themselves off,
or had cooling problems ???
Since you worked on all those msi's what would say was the reason was that so many had to be returned ?

JackMack wrote:
So Aeolisio you strike me as a kind of guy that sales people's their own houses. I do admit, I like the looks of Asus more, not too flashy and seems
more solid; I also checked some repair centers found nothing on Kansas City... I'm thinking that this G sync buisness is more helpful when you're using
a weaker gpu; and since the 970m ain't as good as the 980m, it would be more useful to have. The cheapest G751 with g sync is around 1800$ (300 more
than i can afford).

How much of an impact would you think g sync has in new games ?
Since you had so many gt72's and G751's and used them " hard " (as you say) how did they perform after a few months; did they ever turn themselves off,
or had cooling problems ???
Since you worked on all those msi's what would say was the reason was that so many had to be returned ?

Ha i dont work in sales at all im just passionate about people making informed choices. I honestly believe g sync has very little visual impact but currently the g sync models are the same price or very close to the non g sync models on amazon. You can catch some youtube videos on g sync and decide for yourself. The g751s have been fantastic no major issues with any of them. Cooling on the g751 is excellent. The gt72 and gt80 both suffer in cooling without some sort of pad or raising and even then didnt leave much overhead room for an overclock or high ambient temps. The returned Msi's were a ton of different quality issues from defective displays, light bleed, loose ports, led lighting shorts and temp issues. The only redeeming parts of the gt72 are the keyboard and killer network but the keyboard on the g751s is nice aswell. Did i meantion pcie m.2 is only on the asus.
3d printed parts and accessories for the G751. You know you want something better than OEM ->[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

aeolisio wrote:
Ha i dont work in sales at all im just passionate about people making informed choices. I honestly believe g sync has very little visual impact but currently the g sync models are the same price or very close to the non g sync models on amazon. You can catch some youtube videos on g sync and decide for yourself. The g751s have been fantastic no major issues with any of them. Cooling on the g751 is excellent. The gt72 and gt80 both suffer in cooling without some sort of pad or raising and even then didnt leave much overhead room for an overclock or high ambient temps. The returned Msi's were a ton of different quality issues from defective displays, light bleed, loose ports, led lighting shorts and temp issues. The only redeeming parts of the gt72 are the keyboard and killer network but the keyboard on the g751s is nice aswell. Did i meantion pcie m.2 is only on the asus.

If I get an MSI instead, I was planning on getting this + don't forget it also has the boost fan button.

Level 11
From what I've read the support varies per region.

I was initially leaning towards the GT72. Here in the Philippines MSI service MUST be conducted at the national service center, while Asus outsources service to local shops.

You can check the list for you area (select your country first) ""]

To give you an example of how widely it differs the US market barely has any authorized service centers; I have more here in an hour's driving distance than all of the states combined.

For me being able to shop different locations for service, and dealing with things locally was a huge selling point. I needed my unit serviced so I scheduled an appointment for the following day, walked in with my unit and walked out with my unit serviced in about 2 1/2 hours. you really can't beat that for service. Again this is very region specific, do your homework. As well this is only a single data point, I could of just been very lucky, all I know is that I was very happy with the level of service.

Asus uses realtek for audio... as far as I know realtek audio has been crappy (relatively I'm a bit of an audio snob) for decades. I use digital out on the laptop or a headphone amp w/ integrated DAC. For me the laptop audio is purely for function when needed.. it is fine for me, but again I don't use it often.

People have problems and they come to the form, a subset think if they complain loudly and bash Asus they will get results, perhaps it is out of spite... I don't know, but there have been several very loud complainers since I've joined up here, most members seam happy with their purchase. Many of the complainers just don't seam to understand that ALL brands have defective units, then they get unlucky and it turns into Asus sucks, this laptop is junk, etc... these for the most part you can completely ignore.

It looks like you a keying on the proper things though, read through the Audio issue thread and see if it is something that may bother you, another issue you may want to investigate is the left side USB ports with USB3 devices. This cleared up for me with a BIOS update, it seams to center around power management... the thread has been very quite lately it may be fully resolved as of now, do give it a read though to be sure that is the case or at least to evaluate what impact it may have to you.

You are the only one that can decide, so go do the old fashioned pro's and con's list and see how it adds up.

Level 10
JackMack wrote:
Well, I've been tormenting myself for a week now, reading and looking through different forums trying to get the best laptop.
My budget is 1500$ and I'm trying to decide between the GT751-JT and the GT72 Dominator. For the same price, the Dominator comes
with G-sync and a i7 7500HQ compared to asus i7 4710HQ. On the other hand the GT72 screen is flimsy, not as well built; both have
good cooling but i heard Asus is better(probably the best)...
On the costumer support side I have read a lot of negative reviews which dont encourage me to go forward; but at least the
asus forums are pretty active compared to msi, from what I saw. The biggest thing that makes me cautious would be the fact that
I've seen a lot of people complaining about hardware failures and problems with drivers right from the start (especially audio).
Both laptops have their pros and cons but I'm hoping for something that could last for at least 3 years.

- Why should I go with Asus over Msi ?
- Have you ever talked to Asus support to get a problem fixed ?

As far as "construction quality", the G751JY (similar to you model of choice) is very well designed and build. No cracks or movimg parts. Very sturdy notebook, very quiet fans even on max CPU-GPU, the nteboook runs very cool. Best cooling sistem I had on a notebook. Good IPS LCD.

The sound in the Asus, which many are complaining about, is not due to HW or Software failures, it's just that the main speakers are not very powerful and are partially obscured by the IPS monitor. So they don't sound great. But they are ok if you set them correctly.

The G-Sync is a BIG plus, I assure you. My G751JY at the moment has NOT recived the Asus support I wanted on G-Sync, even thou hardware wise the notebook is capable (I've been using g-Sync succesfully with the modefied leaked alpha drivers from gamenab) .

So If you are looking for good support, simply stay clear of Asus; they tend to ignore and not respond to your emails sometimes, and when they do they have generic answers that don't solve anything. Don't know about MSI, never had one.

I disagree with "aeolisio", G-Sync is a VERY big thing gaming-wise. It can help you make games look more fluid even when they are at 30fps, without the limits of classic V-Sync. Once you played a G-Sync game, it's difficult to turn back!

ciccio80 wrote:
As far as "construction quality", the G751JY (similar to you model of choice) is very well designed and build. No cracks or movimg parts. Very sturdy notebook, very quiet fans even on max CPU-GPU, the nteboook runs very cool. Best cooling sistem I had on a notebook. Good IPS LCD.

The sound in the Asus, which many are complaining about, is not due to HW or Software failures, it's just that the main speakers are not very powerful and are partially obscured by the IPS monitor. So they don't sound great. But they are ok if you set them correctly.

The G-Sync is a BIG plus, I assure you. My G751JY at the moment has NOT recived the Asus support I wanted on G-Sync, even thou hardware wise the notebook is capable (I've been using g-Sync succesfully with the modefied leaked alpha drivers from gamenab) .

So If you are looking for good support, simply stay clear of Asus; they tend to ignore and not respond to your emails sometimes, and when they do they have generic answers that don't solve anything. Don't know about MSI, never had one.

I disagree with "aeolisio", G-Sync is a VERY big thing gaming-wise. It can help you make games look more fluid even when they are at 30fps, without the limits of classic V-Sync. Once you played a G-Sync game, it's difficult to turn back!

Set them correctly ? as in open it up or mess with the settings ? I think the MSI has better audio quality but the whole laptop seems to lack sturdiness. In truth, I doubt that msi has any better support.(don't know if there is any company that does). if pro's from both laptops were combined without
cons, we would have the perfect laptop.

How long have you had it for ?
How often do you use it ?
Had any troubles ?
Are you happy with it ?