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Level 7
ASUS Statement: Please note this activity voids the Apple EULA you agree to on purchasing the software. ASUS does not endorse this activity in any way. However, beyond buying an ASUS laptop and software pre-installed, ASUS does not dictate what end-users do with their notebooks. Equally, ASUS does not make any specific component choices for OS', or provide warranty or support beyond those shipped with its notebooks. No ASUS rep will comment here. If legal objections are raised it is liable to be removed at any time and without notice.

Secondly: any piracy discussion whatsoever will result in a ban. End of.

I posted new instructions and all the stuff you need for 10.9.2 pretty much vanilla install here


This is not 100% final installation as I'm still working with audio and wireless radios and I'm trying to get the Chameleon bootloader to show up from the BIOS when I boot so I don't have to use USB stick to get boot loader.

A great thing about installing on ASUS G750JX is that almost all things that were in previous installation guides here on TonyMac forums under Laptop Mountain lion support > G750JX are unnecessary. This is as close to vanilla installation as I could get.

Touchpad also works. You will however need to hook up ethernet cable to laptop so you have ethernet until I figure out how to get wireless radios working.

One thing to note is that you will need to have on one of the hard drives Windows 8 installed and on that installation of Windows 8 you will need to download some kind of NFS+ support for Windows 8 (I use bundle from Paragon with NFS+ and NTFS support so I can have NTFS support in OSX and NFS+ in Windows 😎 but I think since that's a paid product you can use anything else that will just read NFS+ partitions in Windows 8.

ASUS G750JX I have flashed a bios 208

So without much writing here's what I did.

go to ADVANCED and disable VT-d
go to BOOT and disable Fast Boot
Underneath Fast Boot, enable Launch CSM
You should now see a new option: Launch PXE OpROM policy. Enable this option. This allows your computer to boot via Legacy BIOS not UEFI.


Standard Unibeast preparation:

1. On a mac download the Mavericks installation from App Store
2. Follow the steps for Unibeast and create a USB stick - Select Laptop support in addition to OSX 10.9 Mavericks App Store install
3. Once you have created and finished Unibeast USB stick preparation make sure you download the patched 10.9 kernel from step 13 and replace the mach_kernel on the USB stick with the one you download (you might have to show all files in OSX you are working on to see mach_kernel file on the root of USB drive), put the USB stick into your ASUS 750JX and boot from it
4. On bootloader screen, pick Unibeast Installer (no flags needed) and hit enter
5. It will take a bit, so be patient and OSX installer will show up
6. Go to Disk Utility > Do the standard Create Partition on a second drive > Make it GUID Partition > MacOS Extended Journaled and call it Mavericks
7. Exit Disk Utility and continue with installation

8. Once the installation finishes you will get a message how OSX Mavericks can't set the startup disc. This is FINE! Don't worry.
9. Now, restart and boot back into Windows 8
10. Install in Windows 8 NFS+ support
11. Restart and boot again into Windows 8
12. Once you have booted into Windows 8 now you should see the Mavericks volume and all the files there
13. Download this patched kernel (UPDATE: this is now recommended patched kernel by RehabMan: ) as it allows Sleep and UseKernelCache to work properly (OLD one - do not use this unless you have problems with RehabMan's )
14. Open Mavericks volume in Explorer and overwrite mach_kernel with the one you downloaded
15. Restart and boot from the USB stick
16. Pick OSX Mavericks HDD volume and hit enter
17. OSX Mavericks will welcome you with the setup screen - follow through on standard process (iCloud might give you a funky message but that's not a big deal)

18. Welcome to OSX Mavericks on ASUS G750JX! 🙂


Once you install the Mavericks you want to run the latest Multibeast 6.0 (see TonyMac) before the restart.

What you will be installing is the following:

The idea here is to have Chameleon and everything else installed into S/L/E, modify the SMBIOS.plist and have local hdd Extra folder.

If you are going to use Clover as boot see install notes in the post later in this thread so you can take out USB stick booting completely and adjust some location of some kexts and how to use the config file I included in the files.

Thanks to PeanutButterSpice and slayer2333 from TonyMac forums for trying as well on this and giving me ideas on what to do to get this working without it I would have probably not been able to look at the right place to make this work.


Got audio and wifi working fine now!

The trick was that ASUS G750JX is using Broadcom chip.. in order to to make it recognized in Mavericks you have to update the IDs in the IO80211Family kext.. You go in and go into Plugins and update the IDs inside AirPortBrcm4360.kext > info.plist to include the following:


Adding these will enable your Wifi.

The audio is working with VoodooHDA 2.84.

The problem I'm having is with hardware acceleration on GTX770M.. the card it properly recognized and working just fine but when I play videos HTML5 or Flash it doesn't matter it crashes it.. I can watch videos just fine if I disable hardware acceleration in Flash but H.264 HTML5 videos will not work for some reason.

Suggestions are welcome!

CUDA installs fine though.


And I finally solved the last issue with hardware acceleration. I changed the System Definition to Mac Pro 5.1 and now everything works great.

The only last thing that remains is to get BIOS to recognize the SSD with the OSX Mavericks installation so I can boot without the USB stick boot loader. But that's really a minor issue.

Amazing! This ASUS G750JX is now an OSX Mavericks BEAST!


The loading without the USB stick has been resolved now. I am using Clover. I will write up the guide for this as I'm still fine tuning things.


I have used RehabMan's patched kernel (here: and indeed things are working MUCH better. UseKernelCache is working and I have increased my boot times now to desktop in about 10 secs instead of 30+. One side effect is that I don't see USB 3.0 recognized after installing GenericXHCI kext. Looking into this.


Bluetooth 4.0 is now working as well. You have to enable the ASUS G750JX broadcom bluetooth IDs in BroadcomBluetoothTransport kext. We are fortunate because the Bluetooth in this laptop is BCM4352 so it's compatible fully with OSX Mavericks.

To enable go:
0. Find the IOBluetoothFamily.kext in S/L/E and copy it to desktop
1. Show Package Contents on it
2. Go into Plugins and show package on BroadcomBluetoothTransport
3. Open info.plist file and locate this entry:



4. Right above this entry and after


(So in between those put the following)




5. This is it, SAVE and use Kext Wizard or similar to install and overwrite the existing IOBluetoothFamily.kext in S/L/E

6. Reboot and voila.. You have Bluetooth 4.0

I posted new instructions and all the stuff you need for 10.9.2 pretty much vanilla install here
893 REPLIES 893

pcfr33k wrote:
Which model do you have. I have asked you to post that. I linked a Sierra Config up a couple posts grab that one. If your model is not exactly as mine then there could be issues if your using my DSDT.

Another helpful link if you don't want to use Clover Configurator you can use a web based version of it:

I have the ASUS ROG G750JX-DB71, 500GB SATA HDD, 16GB 1600 DDR3L RAM: currently running El Capitan 10.11.6, with Clover latest Revision, SIP disabled. I used your config for El Capitan with major edits to make my system boot up always... I can attach my Config here - if allowed by MODs ...?

Evablazer wrote:
I have the ASUS ROG G750JX-DB71, 500GB SATA HDD, 16GB 1600 DDR3L RAM: currently running El Capitan 10.11.6, with Clover latest Revision, SIP disabled. I used your config for El Capitan with major edits to make my system boot up always... I can attach my Config here - if allowed by MODs ...?

Please use this Clover Config.plist for Sierra also attached is PatchAudio.kext.:

I have the exact same system as yours it should work 100%. You also need my DSDT-SSDT, USB Port injector and files I listed in the "files" folders look at them they are labelled so you know which folder to go into and copy into your EFI folders.

These files can be found from within my signature is a link to those dropbox files. You are just not doing something right. You should not have to modify your clover config.plist except your SMBIOS if you have a real serial number you can use the one in there already.

I don't need to look at your config.plist just use mine!!!

Please go back and read my posts and links above. You need the latest version of Clover installed 3899 or later. Install it into the ESP. You have to mount the ESP to place all these files into it. Clover Configurator will mount the EFI partition for you or you can get EFI mounter v3. Google it.

I am going to have to make an install guide over @ insanelymac. I don't know when but hopefully soon with screenshots.

Edited 11-11-2016:

There is a minor bug in the PatchAudio.kext didn't realize until today. The System Volume slider to the right is max Output at any setting and Mute all the way to the left. Nothing in between for system volume, however for apps like Logic and Websites like Youtube that have their own Output volume control you can use them to control the output like normally you would do with system volume. They work independently of the System volume another bug.

VoodooHDA is an alternative for now if you don't want to deal with this way this is working until a fix is found.

Remember you need APpleHDA Disabler kext if you use VoodooHDA. I could not get Slice's Prefpane to work properly maybe you can?


[QUOTE=Edited 11-11-2016:

There is a minor bug in the PatchAudio.kext didn't realize until today. The System Volume slider to the right is max Output at any setting and Mute all the way to the left. Nothing in between for system volume, however for apps like Logic and Websites like Youtube that have their own Output volume control you can use them to control the output like normally you would do with system volume. They work independently of the System volume another bug.

VoodooHDA is an alternative for now if you don't want to deal with this way this is working until a fix is found.

Remember you need APpleHDA Disabler kext if you use VoodooHDA. I could not get Slice's Prefpane to work properly maybe you can?


Hi, it´s been a long time since the last post, but after all efforts everything in this machine works since mavericks, until sierra, I did the origina AppleHDA patch for get the 2.1 audio setup working, but in sierra this config is not working because apple drop old iMac models, and with this they broke the 2.1 audio set up, in order to get the Audio working you need to replace AppleHDA.kext and IOAudioFamily.kext with the versions found in el Cap 10.11.6, this will give you back the Master Audio Volume Control.

I will try to investigate what did they change and search for a solution so we don´t need to downgrade this kext anymore, I have to let you know this is possibly a dead end, because back in the days when I did the original config, I tried all realtek chip related config to get this working, and since apple is not using anymore any realtek chip I think this will be a very difficult task to complete.

Good Luck everyone.

Areosjc wrote:
Hi, it´s been a long time since the last post, but after all efforts everything in this machine works since mavericks, until sierra, I did the origina AppleHDA patch for get the 2.1 audio setup working, but in sierra this config is not working because apple drop old iMac models, and with this they broke the 2.1 audio set up, in order to get the Audio working you need to replace AppleHDA.kext and IOAudioFamily.kext with the versions found in el Cap 10.11.6, this will give you back the Master Audio Volume Control.

I will try to investigate what did they change and search for a solution so we don´t need to downgrade this kext anymore, I have to let you know this is possibly a dead end, because back in the days when I did the original config, I tried all realtek chip related config to get this working, and since apple is not using anymore any realtek chip I think this will be a very difficult task to complete.

Good Luck everyone.

Thanks for the heads up!! Slice's VoodooHDA seems to work fine. Volume is low but all speakers working and system volume control is working as it should.

Even though System volume is either full output or mute applications like Logic, the volume output is controlled as system volume is. Same with Youtube etc.

Edited 11-12-16

For those who want the ELC 10.11.6 AppleHDA and IOAudiofamly kexts Clover config.plist and speedy kext Sierra version as well as EFI Mounter 3.


PatchAudio kext:
EmlyDinesh for creating the PatchAudio Kext based on AreosJc original AppleHDA.

EFI Mounter 3:
MacMan's version of Koen2X's EFI Mounter v2

Kext Utility Super Speed Edition Sierra:

Clover config.plist:
emlydinesh and me

Level 8

Post #862 and Post #854 DropBox link had an older version of Patchaudio kext very sorry about that but the dropbox link in my signature has the most up to date PatchAdio.kext. I updated the file for the dropbox file in post #862 and #854. If you used that originally linked patchaudio.kext your audio would not work no matter what you would do. It has the older Bundle Libraries in the info.plist, which I updated according to rehabman post about audio being broken in 10.11.4.

Here is the link again:

Level 8
Folks Stay tuned I Have a working VoodooHDA with output even louder than PatchedHDA!! No need for Codec Commander No Need for EADPFix it just works perfectly so our laptops live at least up to sierra and most likely beyond a few more major updates!!!

This is a newer better way for persistant Audio to work with updates in OSX!! People will argue well its not native. Folks if you look at my clover config binary patching many devices are patched so we have to have a different mindset from this point forward. I know I will because I own 5 of these laptops, and I still believe the best OSX laptop to own for a clone near that of the real mac in many cases better!!

I am very heavy into creating music using Logic Audio with Audio Units and many Graphical Apps like Maya for computer graphics animation and I can do most of my work on the G750JX. Not extreme heavy work but enough to get by and not have to worry about a Real MacBook Pro overheating to the point of it getting destroyed over time.

I bought two MacBook Pros after this G750JX and they both went back because my device outperformed them.


I have a working VoodooHDA but won't release it until I do more testing with SPDIFOut. Waiting for cables to arrive. At the same time I want to get a working AppleALC as well so give me some time to finish up both. In the meantime you have working AppleHDA using PatchAppleHDA for ELC and for Sierra read a couple posts up for fixes.

Edited 11-23-2016:

I got SPDIFOut working for our PatchAppleHDA credit to me on this one, VoodooHDA and AppleALC will follow soon. link below for PatchAppleHDA with SPDIFOut working.

Level 7
I need halp!!! Since I upgraded from El Capitane to MacOS Sierra, the sleep, restart and shut down functions all restart the computer. Any ideas would be very welcome, otherwise i have to shut down by holding down the power button, which is a bit annoying.

Level 7
Thanks to pcfr33k for his efforts. I would suggestion to have a another complete guide for a ha-osx for our lappy. Meanwhile pcfr33k, there are too much link and connection, I'll wait for your complete guide before I do a vanilla installation. Really appreciate for everything you have done. If you don't mind we can contact and I'll help for a new guide. But of course this is based on our G750jx, depends on yours hardware, normally nothing different like what I know. Keep it up dude

Was playing around with putting El Capitan on my G750JX-T4099H as I needed another OS X machine to test something on and figured this was easier than rolling my MBP back from Sierra.

Everything I would expect to work is, except the battery display. It works, but it's very laggy often taking quite a while to notice unplug/replug of the power adapter, and sometimes missing it completely. I also need to do some more testing but it seems extremely slow to charge - seemed to be a rate of about 1% every 10-15 minutes, although I'd have to do some more testing.

Given the differing model I extracted the DSDT and applied some patches to it - IRQ, SMBUS, RTC, HPET, OS Check and Battery from RehabMan's repo. I've had no issues with any panics or restarts.

For the audio I tried applying the audio DSDT patch 03 and using the patched apple HDA kext in L/E (and the clover config binaries) but couldn't get it to work. The 3 was definitely detected as it showed up in System Profiler. I'd also tried injecting it with Clover too. In the end I used the Apple HDA patcher to create a patched AppleHDA kext which works fine so far.

A quick search of this thread shows that I actually had this battery issue with Mavericks too but managed to resolve it. Only problem is I have absolutely no idea how! Any suggestions gratefully received!

Level 8
Huge thanks to pcfr33k for his dedication to making macOS run flawlessly on our aging Asus laptops! I've been here more or less since post #1 and I will admit I have been gone mostly since the end of 2014 but I have recently been reading up on getting Sierra on my G750JW-DB71. I read some and took some notes, preparation steps and managed to get Sierra installed and booting in the short amount of time I had before work yesterday!

I am going to finish getting everything situated today before the superbowl, things like wifi/audio/other dsdt patches and once I get everything 100% I'll try and write up a comprehensive guide from beginning to end for sierra that will apply to the first batch of g750 laptops (7 series gpu, non optimus). Yesterday and today I went through all 87 pages of this thread and compiled a list of links to various information regarding proper installing procedures and whatnot.

Not too many people will see it I imagine but I'm basically writing the guide for myself but people would benefit from it here if they come across it 😛

edit: not sure if it was mentioned earlier in the thread or if I just missed it but support for our ( JW/JX/JM ) model Broadcom chips were dropped in Sierra and the dsdt patches / clover settings that previously enabled wifi on those chips no longer work by themselves. At least not in my trial/error today. What ended up getting wifi to finally work was getting Rehabman's FakePCIID kext and his FakePCIID Broadcom Wifi kext. As soon as I put those in EFI/Clover/kext/10.12 and rebooted, wifi was working fine. Now on to sound 🙂
Asus G750JW-DB71