You are right, the culprit of the issues with 10.9.2 is the Nvidia driver. While you might actually have less problems by upgrading to 10.9.2 on an existing install and just update Nvidia drivers, the bigger issue starts with the clean installs.
So the key to get the installs to boot is the following:
1. Back up the
NVDA*.kexts from 10.9.1 (if you don't have them I've attached them here)
2. Make your Unibeast USB
3. Overwrite the
NVDA*.kexts in USB's S/L/E with the old NVDA kexts 10.9.1. Make sure you only overwrite NVDA*.kexts
4. Replace the Extra folder on USB with the files I posted in this post
5. I included mach_kernel that i patched with Rehabman's perl script on the 10.9.2 mach kernel after the security update was released for 10.9.2 to allow more native power management on Haswell CPUs.
6. If you follow this you will have a clean install USB disk for Mavericks installation for 10.9.2 (keep in mind that you need to make 10.9.2 USB so you will need to redownload from the App Store the 10.9.2 Mavericks)
Once you have this done you can boot up installation normally.
7. Before you boot into new Mav install, make sure you reboot back into USB
8. Go into Terminal
9. use cp command to copy the mach_kernel from your USB to the Mavericks volumed you installed the OSX on to replace the existing one as it won't boot without it.
10. the command looks like something like this:
cp /Volumes/YOUR_USB_VOLUME_NAME/mach_kernel /Volumes/YOUR_OSX_INSTALLED_VOLUME_NAME/where YOUR_USB_VOLUME_NAME and YOUR_OSX_INSTALLED_VOLUME_NAME are your volume names for each.
11. So after you copied the mach_kernel to the fresh installation volume you are ready to boot in. Reboot and select OSX HDD
12. Once you boot in, you don't really need to run Multibeast. You just use Kext Utility to install the kexts I gave you in the ModifiedKextsOSX10.9.2 zip file and you may want to install the NVIDIA 10.9.1 kexts as well with Kext Utility.
13. Once you have done this, you want to go into Disk Utility and repair permissions as well.
14. Now reboot with USB and select your OSX volume again and you should now have access to Wifi and all that good stuff. The GPU though might not be properly recognized and it will work very slow and buggy. That's fine.
15. Now you want to run Update from OSX and install the 10.9.2 Security Update from App Store. Once this is installed, you want to reboot back into USB OSX Install, go into terminal and repeat mach_kernel copying again as the latest 10.9.2 security update will replace mach_kernel.
16. When you do that, reboot again into your OSX main volume where you installed and you can download the latest Nvidia Driver and Cuda driver and install it. Once you install both, reboot
17. Now when you reboot you should be golden and everythign should be tops. Alternatively you can run Multibeast to just install the FakeSMC plugins and HWMonitor so you can see the temps and stuff but don't install anything else with Multibeast (don't run Easy Beast or anything, just FakeSMC and plugins and FakeSMC HW Monitoring)
With this 10.9.2 minus the small issues with the NVidia drivers, everything works better than ever. The battery manager now works great and shows your remaining battery, the power management is native and works really well. The sleep works too and the keyboard turns the lighting back on when you go into sleep and then come back. The GPU power management with new drivers works great too. No injectors, all native and with the new drivers.
The key is to use nvda_drv = 1 in kernel flags on boot and it will use the new drivers. My GPU now sits at 30C and increases clock speeds as I do something more GPU intensive. I tested with Cinebech and scores are amazing (75fps).
My battery lasts about 2:30-3h which is pretty much (maybe slightly worse) than what I have in Windows. The reason it's a bit less is that we can't modify the screen brightness yet.
This is really almost native OSX experience with G750JX. It runs SICK fast and power sensible. You don't need AppleCPUPowermanagement.kext and AppleGPUPowermanagement.kext mods as the new kernel bypasses the locked MSR and works just like real MBP.
My system definition is Mac Pro 3.1 and it works great. I would advise you to use it as well becuase you can update the latest NVIDIA drivers from them as they work with Mac Pro 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1 systems so if you use different SMBIOS you might have to go through hassle to switching to Mac Pro 3.1 when you need to update drivers.
Here's what works:
1. USB 3, Bluetooth, Wifi-N (AC still has issues), CPU and GPU power management works fine, SD card, (Thunderbolt might be working, you need to test by plugging in the Thunderbolt device to test) and GPU 770M works natively after you install latest NVIDIA drivers for Mac. Initially GPU won't be recognized properly.
2. What doesn't work is the keyboard keys for brightness and keyboard lighting and I haven't tested Thunderbolt.
NO CLOVER:I ditched Clover.
I am using my 1TB HDD for data storage and I partitioned it as MBR with 2 partitions. I call one Data Drive, while I call the other one Boot OSX. Let me tell you what I did.
1. I installed OSX on clean 256GB SSD. Since the GPT partitions don't get recognized with UEFI bios I simply cleaned up the 1TB drive, I made it into MBR type partition (as that will be seen by UEFI bios) and I split the 1TB drive into 2 partitions. Both partitions are HFS+, but one is 8gb, the other one is what's left in space (so 992gb or something similar).
2. I downloaded OSX 10.9.2 from App Store, I ran Unibeast and installed it onto the 8gb partition. I put all the files I did in initial Unibieast USB install and Extras and S/L/E Nvidia and all that and finished the process on the 8gb partition.
3. IMPORTANT: Once you do this, you will think that it will work like USB. It won't. You won't be able to boot into this partition before you do this important step:
Open terminal
cd /Volumes/USB_VOLUME_NAME/usr/standalone/i386where USB_VOLUME_NAME is the name of your USB Unibeast volume in my case that was
cd /Volumes/UnibeastX92/usr/standalone/i386but for you it can be whatever you named your USB volume when you created Unibeast.
now type:
diskutil listyou will get something like this

identify which DISK and # your Boot partition is (as you can see my Boot OSX disk is /dev/disk1 and my Chameleon partition is Boot OSX which is #1.
So now you type:
sudo -sthen:
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s1/dev/rdisk1s1 is the target disk number and partition number of the Boot partition (the 8gb one you created) - see disk util for the appropriate number. Mine was disk1s1. rdisk is not a mistake, you need rdisksXsX in this case.
you should get something like this:
2+ records in
2+ records out
1024 bytes transferred .. etcNow you will be able to boot from your Chameleon HDD partition.
4. Now you can close everything, remove USB drive and reboot.
5. You should now see in BIOS the partition with Chameleon on HDD and you boot from that.
This is the easiest thing because not only that you have a recovery OSX installation, but you also have pretty clean OSX install on the SSD and we don't really use Clover as it is kind of unstable sometimes and I had difficulties making it work on latest 10.9.2.
I alternatively did a couple of cool things.
I renamed in Chameleon my Boot OSX volume to Recovery and I set my Timeout parameter in the same file to 1 sec, so my laptop directly boots into OSX.
This is what my finalized plist looks like:
Kernel Flags
Legacy Logo
Instant Menu
Graphics Mode
Default Partition
OSX Mavericks
Rename Partition
"Boot OSX" Recovery
You can now modify you Extra stuff in the Boot OSX partition. I also, didn't want this partition to show up in Mavericks on boot so I unmount it on start. This is how you do it:
Open AppleScript. Paste this in (YOUR_BOOT_VOLUME is the name of the volume you want to unmount):
set volname to "YOUR_BOOT_VOLUME" -- # name of target volume
set p to (POSIX path of (volname & ":" as alias))'s text 1 thru -2
set sh to "diskutil umount " & quoted form of p & " &> /dev/null &"
do shell script sh
Hit Compile and then Save it as an Application (you will see under File Format in save dialog).
Save it to Applications folder for example.
Then go to system preferences -> and drag the file you created into Login Items and hide it.
Now, this volume will be hidden on reboot and you will have clean OSX SSD drive and your Data Drive.
That's it.