Asus G750JS guide
This is my first ever Hackintosh attempt and I’m both surprised and please at how relatively simple it was to find all the information I needed by searching this forum ( Some people here have done some incredible legwork and this guide is intended to be brief and just outline system specific changes. I will not explain how to make those changes as that information is all available already.
Now, onto the guide!
My Asus G750JS has the following specs, I have written notes next to them for some important information.
CPU/Chip: intel HM87 i7-4700HQ – this is Haswell and so all Haswell info I found applied.
GFX: Intel HD4600 + Nvidia GTX870M – I believe Windows is able to discretely use this card – Mac cannot so we must disable it or burn serious power. Also, The HDMI port is attached to the intel HD4600 onboard so if you want HDMI output to work you must use this card. I have not tried to use the Nvidia card at all.
Sound: Realtek HD – The codec used by this card is DISGUSTING. Mac has no clue what this card is, a linux dump shows ALC3229 as the codec. I was able to find 4 websites on the internet that knew anything at all about this, I attempted to manually patch it but did not have the experience or skill/patience to do so and thus used Voodoo 2.8.4 which is fully working minus the subwoofer. There is also HDMI HD Audio out which I believe will actually work, If you want to use both cards, create one entry for each card in IOKitPersonalities. (I haven’t worked out how to do this yet so if anyone does know please drop a line). Swaps between headphone and speakers as you would expect. onboard Mic works, have not tested line in Mic.
SDD Card: Haven’t tried this, apparently requires a change to AppleStorage kext but haven't looked into it.
USB 3: worked out of box
HDD: Machine came with 256GB SSD and 1TB Sata – I reformatted the SATA to 150GB for Mac OS install and rest for data storage. I run Windows 8.1 off the SSD and use NFS+ to have the data partition usable for both Windows and Mac OS. Duel boot with clover works dead on. I’m probably going to reformat to run both off the SSD now that I’m comfortable with the process.
Thunderbolt port: have not tried.
WIFI/Bluetooth 4.0: Broadcom 802.11ac fully working although I can't see my 5GZ band network so perhaps not "fully" working.
Trackpad/Keyboard: Elan 4.2 and Voodoo PS2 kexts both work fine, Voodoo is better at what it does but I can't live without gestures so I suffer the Elan 4.2 kext just a little. It's still a great effort. Voodoo acts as a mouse, does not appear as a trackpad in settings.
1 Follow - I used build Clover_v_2.3k_r1393 from the link in the guide and I post installed Clover to my OS partition.
2 BIOS settings. I think I’m using the default BIOS 205 or something.
a vt-d disabled in advanced.
b No option for DEP – ignore
c Secure boot disabled in security
d Fast boot disabled
e Enable Launch CSM – Leave PXE OpROM Disabled (we are using clover so we want EFI boot).
I simply followed the guide using the HD4000_HD4600 config for clover provided and was able to install without issue.
Post install:
1 I did not install Ethernet, I never use it so first thing I needed was WIFI. I used the following taken from . If I ever need ethernet I will install it, I’m confident it will work without issue and I will update this.
The trick was that ASUS G750JS is using Broadcom chip.. in order to to make it recognized in Mavericks you have to update the IDs in the IO80211Family kext.. You go in and go into Plugins and update the IDs inside AirPortBrcm4360.kext > info.plist to include the following:
pci14e4,43b1pci14e4,4331pci14e4,4353pci14e4,432bAdding these will enable your Wifi. To add Bluetooth also taken from above:
To enable go:
0. Find the IOBluetoothFamily.kext in S/L/E and copy it to desktop
1. Show Package Contents on it
2. Go into Plugins and show package on BroadcomBluetoothTransport
3. Open info.plist file and locate this entry:
CFBundleIdentifier ollerUSBTransport
BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTranspor t
4. Right above this entry and after
(So in between those put the following)
Broadcom2046FamilyUSBBluetoothHCIController_3 404
Note: I just put the entry where it said except mine had Controller_D listed as the first entry, I made mine the first entry as the above suggests and works fine.
1 Next to fix is CI/QE. Go here - The fakeid and platform ID is already patched from the config above, just put the kexts inside clover/…/other where your other install kexts are from step above and this part is done. Check the fakeid and platformid in clover configurator – it can’t hurt. NOTE: I was experiencing garbled menu graphics – I resolved this by changing the colour under displays to sRGB IEC61966-2.1. I don’t know if this is the correct fix or not, I did not attempt to apply the fix listed under Intel HD4400 as we have a HD4600
2 Use Multibeast to patch system preferences to Mac Pro 5,1 or 6,1. This enables airplay. Can’t find any difference between the two.
3 I used Elan Trackpad 2.4 drivers to replace the voodoo ones in clover/../other kexts, I had to toggle use 2 fingers to scroll off and back on for it to work in trackpad system preferences. It’s not amazing, right click mouse is disabled so enable tap 2 fingers for secondary click.. can’t live without the scroll gestures though…
This was a massive pain. I spent hours trying to work it out and in the end resorted to VoodooHDA 2.8.4 installed through multibeast. Make sure you REMOVE the AppleHDA and reboot before you install. I had already patched DSDT to layoutid 1 while trying to get the realtek driver going, unsure if it’s necessary or not. You will need to edit the VoodooHDA edit Info.plist, replace the key IOPCIClassMatch by IOPCIPrimaryMatch and put the PCI ID of your audio card in string. The intel onboard audio device we want is Audio device 0x808868c20 so change the string to 0x8c208086. If DPCIManager shows a different Audio device you may be able to get the realtek AppleHDA going with some persistence. Lastly after making all the changes and rebooting you will need to open the audio/midi setup in utilites and change the speaker (analogue) to multichannel stereo for speakers to work. Sub is not working there is a guide here: I have not tried it – I don’t actually care about the sub.
I had to patch various things in the DSDT and one SSDT patch to get battery working and to disabled the Nvidia card. I used maciASL – under file/preferences in iASL change to ACPI 5.0 and I enabled both remark and optimization – you don’t have to. Sources used are:
Please use guides to correctly dissemble your DSDT/SSDT, before applying any patches attempt to compile, my dsdt.dsl had 3 errors only – PARSEOP_ZERO, unexpected End of file and unexpected }. These are fixed with 2 patches only from Rehabman repo – Fix PARSEOP_ZERO error and FIX ADBG Error. Apply these should leave you with 0 errors.
Next we will patch battery, use ASUS G75VW patch and install kext: I also patched fix mutex with non-zero and OS Check FIX windows 8 also from rehabman repo. Battery indicator fully works showing % changes and charging symbol. When battery is full you will just see a full battery even when on charge.
DSDT to patch audio I used Enable Audio ID:1 from toleda repo.
DSDT and SSDT to patch Nvidia card – used Disable from _REG in rehab for DSDT, his SSDT patch did not automatically work so I had to manually apply it. My _OFF method was in SSDT4 while my _INI method was in SSDT2 so in SSDT 2 you must manually patch:
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized)
Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._ADR)
External(\_SB.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._OFF, MethodObj)
Note: the _INI method is actually under \SB.PCI0.PEG0 but if you do a search in the SSDT for _INI you will find it.
That covers where I’m up to. If you have any questions I’ll do my best to answer however, as I said previously, I was able to find the answer to everything I’ve done so far on this forum (