I. Intro
Hello Everyone. I recently bought myself the new Asus G750JM-DS71. When I was looking at buying the JM, one of the things I spent a long time looking for was CPU and GPU temperatures under different conditions. Now that I have the JM, I have decided to thoroughly test it and post the results. Hopefully others considering the Asus G750JM will find them useful.
II. Test Notes
1. The G750JM-DS71 I used is stock and is not modified in anyway for the tests. I will replace the hard drive with a SSD in about a month, but this should have little effect on CPU and GPU temps. All tests were completed on a flat desk with all vents unblocked. The laptop was on AC power for all tests other than the idle test.
2. For all tests I used a standard firmware configuration and clock speed with Asus GPU Tweak turned off (unless otherwise noted). I included the graphics driver version I am using in the tests.
3. I used Asus GPU Tweak to monitor GPU temperatures and Intel Extreme Tuning Utility to monitor CPU temperatures.
4. In tests which utilize a stress testing program, pc game, or other program, I have listed the configurations in the test details section.
III. Test Results
Idle Test
Test #1 Idle
Test Description: This test is designed to simulate normal idle.
Test Details: No extra programs are running and the NVIDIA 860m is shutoff.
Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 10 Minutes
In this test, 0:00 is 1 minute after Windows boots to desktop
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 41C N/A
0:05 42C N/A
0:10 42C N/A
0:15 40C N/A
0:20 42C N/A
0:25 40C N/A
0:30 41C N/A
0:45 41C N/A
1:00 41C N/A
2:00 43C N/A
3:00 43C N/A
4:00 45C N/A
5:00 42C N/A
6:00 42C N/A
7:00 42C N/A
8:00 42C N/A
9:00 43C N/A
10:00 43C N/A
CPU Tests
Test #2 Prime95
Test Description: A test using Prime95's stress testing feature.
Test Details: Prime95 version 25.11 build 2 used. Program is 64-bit version. In-place large FFTs Torture Test used.
Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 15 Minutes
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 43C N/A
0:05 66C N/A
0:10 69C N/A
0:15 73C N/A
0:20 76C N/A
0:25 79C N/A
0:30 81C N/A
0:45 84C N/A
1:00 87C N/A
2:00 86C N/A
3:00 87C N/A
4:00 88C N/A
5:00 89C N/A
6:00 89C N/A
7:00 88C N/A
8:00 90C N/A
9:00 89C N/A
10:00 89C N/A
11:00 88C N/A
12:00 90C N/A
13:00 90C N/A
14:00 88C N/A
15:00 89C N/A
Test #3 Intel Burn Test
Test Description: A test using IntelBurnTest.
Test Details: IntelBurnTest version 2.54 used. 64-bit mode used. Maximum stress level used. Run one time.
Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: About 7 Minutes (One Run)
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 69C N/A
0:05 70C N/A
0:10 73C N/A
0:15 75C N/A
0:20 75C N/A
0:25 78C N/A
0:30 77C N/A
0:45 90C N/A
1:00 95C N/A
2:00 89C N/A
3:00 89C N/A
4:00 90C N/A
5:00 89C N/A
6:00 90C N/A
7:00 90C N/A
Test #4 Passmark BurnIn CPU Only
Test Description: A test using Passmark BurnIn. Only the CPU portion is used in this test.
Test Details: Passmark BurnIn version 7.1 Standard (1071) 64-bit version. Maximum CPU temp. quick test used.
Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 10 Minutes
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 45C N/A
0:05 64C N/A
0:10 67C N/A
0:15 69C N/A
0:20 71C N/A
0:25 71C N/A
0:30 75C N/A
0:45 77C N/A
1:00 77C N/A
2:00 82C N/A
3:00 80C N/A
4:00 81C N/A
5:00 81C N/A
6:00 82C N/A
7:00 82C N/A
8:00 82C N/A
9:00 81C N/A
10:00 82C N/A
GPU Tests
Test #5 FurMark
Test Description: A test using FurMark.
Test Details: FurMark version used. 10 minute test with dynamic background and burn-in options selected. 1920x1080 non-fullscreen.
Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
GPU Driver Version: GeForce 332.33
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 10 Minutes
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 62C 42C
0:05 64C 56C
0:10 67C 60C
0:15 66C 63C
0:20 67C 64C
0:25 68C 67C
0:30 66C 68C
0:45 70C 70C
1:00 67C 71C
2:00 68C 73C
3:00 68C 75C
4:00 70C 75C
5:00 67C 76C
6:00 67C 77C
7:00 70C 77C
8:00 69C 78C
9:00 69C 78C
10:00 72C 78C
Test #6 Unigine Heaven
Test Description: A test using Unigine Corp's Heaven benchmark.
Test Details: Unigine Heaven 4.0 Basic Version used. DirectX 11 API, Ultra quality, Extreme tessellation, Anti-Analyzing off, non-fullscreen, system resolution.
Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
GPU Driver Version: GeForce 332.33
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 8:42 (Two Cycles)
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 69C 45C
0:05 66C 55C
0:10 67C 58C
0:15 66C 60C
0:20 66C 62C
0:25 66C 62C
0:30 65C 64C
0:45 68C 65C
1:00 64C 66C
2:00 61C 68C
3:00 61C 69C
4:00 65C 70C
5:00 62C 70C
6:00 69C 71C
7:00 65C 71C
8:00 66C 72C
8:42 67C 72C
Test #7 Unigine Valley
Test Description: A test using Unigine Corp's Valley benchmark.
Test Details: Unigine Valley Basic used. DirectX 11 API, Ultra quality, Anti-Analyzing off, non-fullscreen, system resolution.
Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
GPU Driver Version: GeForce 332.33
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 6:18 (Two Cycles)
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 68C 48C
0:05 66C 58C
0:10 67C 61C
0:15 69C 64C
0:20 70C 65C
0:25 67C 67C
0:30 66C 68C
0:45 71C 69C
1:00 68C 70C
2:00 72C 71C
3:00 70C 73C
4:00 69C 73C
5:00 69C 73C
6:00 67C 74C
6:18 71C 74C