Guys, that is why you need to test everything completely within the return period to the Seller. Do all the benchmarks, stress testing, run it for hours on prime97 / furmark, watch temperatures, and test all the hardware and ports to make sure everything is 100% functional, because after the return period, you need to RMA to Asus for problems.
Asus will repair the problems. But, again, test everything and note all the problems on your first RMA, otherwise when you find additional problems later you will need to RMA a 2nd time.
My G750JH was new out of the box without problems, and is still running great after 1 year.
I have only had 1 in 7 Asus laptops need RMA, and the problem got fixed on the 1st round of RMA, and is still running.
🙂Be positive and follow through on the RMA, and it will get fixed. <== create a login, register the laptop, and file a Technical Inquiry with clear detailed description / list of problems and what you have already tried to resolve the problem, attache images/photo's as a zip file as needed.
Please come back and let us know how it works out