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Asus G75 how recover windows 8 OE, ( i try to istall windows 7 and i formart C:)

Level 7
i have a Asus G75VW-RH71, and i try to install windows 7, i think that it was the same procedure of my other notebooks, and because of that i deleted only de partition where windows 8 was located.

but when i saw correctly threre was a message in the bottom that windows 7 cant install in this hardrive because of some gpt partition or something.

now the problem is that i cant recover my windows 8 OEM because i deleted them. In the asus package theres no windows 8 recovery dvd, and i dont know what to do, i try to install other windows 8 but pop ups a message that says "The product key entered does not match any of the windows images available for installation. Enter a different product key.

what i must do?, i must buy a legal copy of windows 8 x64 oem?.

(for any doubts, there is no way i can acces to windows beacause i format the partition).

Level 9
please press F8 to recover OS, if not help, i think you are delete the recover partition, you can buy the asus recover CD from asus estore, or send to service center to install back.

Level 7
i bough my G75 i took it without DOS and i wanted to install win7 on it.. ofc i had a hard time to figure that i have to change some settings in BIOS so i can install win7... u might try go in bios and if u can change the booting options

Level 14
Check out this thread, all the answers are here to complete your clean installation of window 7 UEIF GPT. or install MBR or to complete a Clean installation of Window 8
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

thanks to all of you, finally i maneged to install a clean windows 8, i use a original windows 8 64 OEM version, and use a program called Gparted, and i format the partition in NTFS. and after all of this i managed to isntall windows 8.

this looks like a joke but now i have other problem with the notebook, the screen now have tiny vertical lines that are visible when you are mid range, this happen after i was installing speedfan, when installing this program suddenly the screen flashs and there was this vertical lines problem. also this lines have some vibrations that when i drag some folder side to side, i can see strange flicker in this vertical lines.

i try to conect de notebook on the TV via HDMI, and this vertical lines doesnt appear.