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Asus G74 screen flicker (dark backgrounds and low brightness)

Level 9
Hello everybody.
I have an asus g74 and it seems that the screen flickers with a dark background.
If i put the maximum brightness it won't be visible but as it goes down to the minimum the screen starts to flickers. It is a little annoying since i paid 1600eur (2200$).
I have seen other 3 with the same problem. The place where i got it told me it was the inverter. Is yours the same?:confused:

Regarding this issue i don't have any complaint so far (1week of use)

Best wishes

(i don't know the model in question but mine is the one with the i7 2870, 16gb ram, 2hd 500gb, gtx560m 3gb ddr5, no 3D, full hd)
172 REPLIES 172

Level 12
I have no idea what that inverter does, unless you have DC coming out of your wall sockets and the inverter converts it to AC. Converting 12vdc from auto batteries into 120vac @60hz is what inverters do in my experience.

Edit: OK, Googled it! The inverter supplies power to the lcd backlight. You DO have led and not fluorescent backlight?

In your nvidia driver, turn vertical sync on. ... does that even work on the desktop? (Just thinkin' out loud )
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
LG E2350 LED LCD Monitor
Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

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Latest nVidia Drivers

JRd1st on

I have the same problem (flicker low brightness) Any fix for this or must I send my G74 to Asus?


Level 12
I looked it up already, but thanks.

Check my edit on my previous post.
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
LG E2350 LED LCD Monitor
Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

Drivers, Apps and How To's
Latest nVidia Drivers

JRd1st on

Level 12
Do displays with LED backlights use an inverter? I guess my understanding of inverters doesn't jive with led's. (This is my first notebook)
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
LG E2350 LED LCD Monitor
Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

Drivers, Apps and How To's
Latest nVidia Drivers

JRd1st on

Level 9
IMHO, inverters are used with fluorescent and/or led backlight.. i have searched wikipedia and this problem seems to be stated about LED backlight..

Flicker due to backlight dimming

LED backlights are often dimmed by applying pulse-width modulation to the supply current, switching the backlight off and on again like a fast strobe light. If the frequency of the pulse-width modulation is too low and or the user is very sensitive to flicker, this may cause discomfort and eye-strain, similar to the flicker of CRT displays.[3][4] This can be tested by a user simply by waving a hand or object in front of the screen. If the object appears to have sharply-defined edges as it moves, the backlight is strobing on and off at a fairly low frequency. If the object appears blurry, the display either has a continuously-illuminated backlight or it is operating at a frequency that is too high for the brain to perceive. The flicker can be reduced or eliminated by setting the display to full brightness, though this has a negative impact on image quality and battery life due to increased power consumption.

new technology, old problems lol.

Level 12
If you have Power4Gear Hybrid, still installed (one of the 4 Asus apps I kept) there is an option for DTSP that does something that reduces power consumption by the display with very little visible effects. See if that helps.

Put that battery in and see if it helps at all. You're supposed to store it charged, anyway, or it will go bad. 😛
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
LG E2350 LED LCD Monitor
Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

Drivers, Apps and How To's
Latest nVidia Drivers

JRd1st on

Level 9
i usually have it stored 60% charged..

Level 14
Checking behavior with the battery installed is a good idea.

Have you tried connecting the laptop to an external monitor or LCD TV? If so, does it exhibit the same behavior?

Have you tested on another electrical outlet to confirm you've got a good ground and stable power?
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

Level 9
it does not flicker in an external monitor that's why i believe it is a hardware issue and not a software one. i have tested with a grounded and not grounded outlet with same results. the only thing i haven't done is using the battery (currently not at home where the laptop is)