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asus g73sw shutdown when playing games

Level 7
its just shuts off, no warning, errorcode, just shuts off like the power dissapears.
temps are fine in both cpu and gpu!!! not over 70c in cpu and 80c in gpu.
anyone else experiencing this?
battfield 3 and guildwars2 beta so far shuts down the laptop randomly. 😞

Level 14
If you are actually logging temperatures, so you can see the maximum just prior to shutdown, it sounds like your battery may be showing its age or need to be recalibrated. In other words, the amount of power actually remaining in the battery is less than displayed by the monitor.

How old is your battery?

What is its Wear Level in HWINFO64?

Do these shutdowns occur if the laptop runs only on the power adapter with the battery removed? If so, your power adapter may be defective or your power source is bad.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

dstrakele wrote:
If you are actually logging temperatures, so you can see the maximum just prior to shutdown, it sounds like your battery may be showing its age or need to be recalibrated. In other words, the amount of power actually remaining in the battery is less than displayed by the monitor.

How old is your battery?

What is its Wear Level in HWINFO64?

Do these shutdowns occur if the laptop runs only on the power adapter with the battery removed? If so, your power adapter may be defective or your power source is bad.

maximum temp is about 70-80 c degrees when playing.
Yes it occurs with battery unplugged with only power cable connected.
The power source is good have tried it in different places.
Could be the poweradapter i dont know, But someting is deffenently wrong, ive runned furmark and 3dvantage, for like 40 mins each with no shutdown, But nos when i play gw2 beta it shuts down after 10 mins!!.

Level 14
I would log temperatures in HWINFO64 or SpeedFan to see the true maximum at the moment of shutdown to eliminate overheating as a cause.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

dstrakele wrote:
I would log temperatures in HWINFO64 or SpeedFan to see the true maximum at the moment of shutdown to eliminate overheating as a cause.

ok downloaded speed fan now, but how do i do logs that shows temps, alla i se in the logs r 5 digit numbers=/
i also use msi afterburner to track gpu temps, and they r the same that shows in speedfan now.

i have now played gw2 beta in 20 mins without shutdown highest temps i reached is 69 c gpu and 65 c in any of the 4 cpu cores.

yetirog wrote:
ok downloaded speed fan now, but how do i do logs that shows temps, alla i se in the logs r 5 digit numbers=/
i also use msi afterburner to track gpu temps, and they r the same that shows in speedfan now.

If you only check the "Enabled" checkbox in the "Log" tab of SpeedFan's "Configure" window, the log will only report a "Seconds" field. The 5 digit numbers are seconds from midnight. You must select the "Temperatures" tab and select "GPU", then check the "Logged" checkbox at the bottom of the window to add it as a separate field to the log. Select the CPU cores 0-3 individually and do the same.

If temperatures remain reasonable up to the point of shutdown, your troubleshooting to date indicates you should focus on the power adapter as the possible cause. reports a similar issue on a desktop system that turned out to be PSU-related.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

looked in the eventlog and se this:
error, event 41, kernel power, event id 6008.

Level 14
That error event means the system shut down unexpectedly. Do you see any other Errors or Warnings in the System or Application Event Logs preceding it? Check up to 2 hours prior.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

dstrakele wrote:
That error event means the system shut down unexpectedly. Do you see any other Errors or Warnings in the System or Application Event Logs preceding it? Check up to 2 hours prior.

Ok will do, ive tested with a friends same laptop power adapter whithout the battery plugged in and it still shut down and its not a temperature shutdown or power shutdown, sounds like some hardware that is sending error signals forcing it to shut down? Gonna check more in the logs tonight.;) thank u for helping me out in this matter dude:)!