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ASUS G73JH Repasting Issues/Questions

Level 7
Hi folks,

i hope someone can help me. My older brother got a this laptop for a good amount of years now, no warranty left. It was in RMA due to overheating. He got it back
and it was semi-ok. Never good. Don't ask me why he would never turn it back in, because i would have done it. So i asked him to give it to me and look what i can do.
Because the actual state is. Its roaring like a plane and is burning hot from minute one. Really bad, i can't understand how he used it in this state.

Long story short i googled my way through issues and landed here and found perhaps a solution, which makes that thing usable again. Repasting and flashing the
vBios. I startet with disassembling it. All worked fine till i got to the cores. So one time the notebook was in RMA and i'm not sure what they did. But what i saw i not
so good. At least in my opinion since i never saw such a thing. They put paste on nearly everything on the gpu and i have no idea how to get it off or whats the purpose
of that bs is. So i hoped you would have an idea. Is that the way to go in RMA? How do i get that clean again. I am a bit pissed about that, because i don't think thats the
normal procedure asus would apply at those problems.

I would be really grateful if you can throw in some thoughts. I'm sorrry for my lousy english, it's not my first language.

Level 7
I'm not sure about that exact model of notebook but on the chips a lot of the newer ones use thermal pads instead of paste. maybe that is the cause of your overheating?
Laptop: G751JL
Processor: i7-4750HQ
Graphics Card: GTX 965M
Memory: 8 GB Samsung (stock)
Storage #1: Samsung 850 EVO 250gb
Storage #2: 1 TB 7200 rpm (stock)
OS: Windows 10 x64

Thx for your reply. I don't know why the black chips got pasted in the first place. Because they have barely any connection to the heatsink. Im just wondering if i have to clean that all up, or just leave it as it is. Because the tutorial videos don't apply any thermal paste there.

Level 12
That's because in those videos the factory thermal pads (1 blue strip, 1 grey strip) were stuck to the GPU plate of the heatsink assembly, so exposed VRAM looked like there wasn't anything applied. They're supposed to be covered with the correct thickness of thermal pad (usually 0.5mm or 1mm) and as alternative option, you can use thermal paste.

In this video at 57:50, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. There's also 3 more tiny thermals pads (if you look closely) with 2 on the surrounding FETs near the choke, where that thermal pad is still on the GPU heatsink (directly below the blue VRAM thermal pad).

Level 12
That's because in those videos the factory thermal pads (1 blue strip, 1 grey strip) were stuck to the GPU plate of the heatsink assembly, so exposed VRAM looked like there wasn't anything applied. They're supposed to be covered with the correct thickness of thermal pad (usually 0.5mm or 1mm) and as alternative option, you can use thermal paste. However, if it's not making contact with paste, 1mm thermal pads will be the replacement.

In this video at 57:50, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. There's also 3 more tiny thermals pads (if you look closely) with 2 on the surrounding FETs near the choke, where that thermal pad is still on the GPU heatsink (directly below the blue VRAM thermal pad).

EDIT: attached PIC for reference.

Thx Deamonic for the help. I didn't saw the pads in other videos or even overlooked them. So i did a reassemble without clogging it with paste. (because there wasn't any contact anyway/and lack of pads) Could this be a big problem now?
I used Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Compound on both CPU and GPU. After reassembling made the VBios Flash and all works fine.

Idle Temps:

CPU Old: 80C New: 48C - 55C

GPU Old: 75C New: 45C - 50C

Load (Batman AC)

CPU Old: 90C - 110C New: 50C - 60C

GPU Old: 80C < 100C New 45C - 60C

So i would be glad if you could tell me how dangerous it is to leave the thermal pads behind? Because the paste didnt really touch the vrams anyway. Thanks a lot in every case 😃

Edit: I will order some 1mm Thermal Pads and rework that part, just to be sure nothing will overheat. I can't monitor the temps of the vrams, so i guess thats the way to go.

Level 12
That repaste sure made a difference!

VRAM does get fairly warm and over time if left as-is with the way you have it, you may start to see artifacts when temps/usage/duration is highest. In short term it's fine, but not ideal with long term use. If the plan is to keep the notebook (and cost down) and make it last a little longer, you should restore it to what was previously on there. Is it gonna catch on fire or meltdown if you don't. Absolutely not.

If you want to use thermal pads you can buy these or look for cheaper listings, which for your particular model I believe is 1mm AND 2mm: /

Just cut what you need out of that and keep the rest for future use OR double stack 1mm for the 2mm and buy just the 1mm pads only. I don't recommend doing that, although it is an option better than not having any at all.

Otherwise, if you want soundness of mind still, you can always just use metal shims with paste applied to both sides that is close enough to the gap thickness you need.

Level 13
LMAO at the fool in that video calling the thermal pads adhesive stips and said you dont need them as the screws holds the heat sink on!

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

I just added the pads now, got it pretty quickly the disassemble and reassembling. Second time goes a lot faster.

I did some FurMarks and hope they are ok?

Idle Temps as posted above.


Resolution: 1920x1080

Timespan: 10min

Dynamic Background
Burn In

without cooling pad below:

min. 48C >> max. 78C

with cooling pad below:

min. 48C >> max. 76C

Is it too much or ok for the testing?

So Deamonic, im very thankful for you help through this. 😃

best regards

Level 12
Looks good! FurMark temps are better than average for your GPU with everything you've done now.

Thanks for the update.

Take care!