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Asus G73JH - Normal GPU temperature ?

Level 7
Hi everyone !

During somer it's very hot here. At the moment we have something between 25 °C and 30 °C.

I monitor my GPU temperature with the Windows 7 Gadget "GPU Observer". This tool monitors the temperature of the hottest "sensor" I think.

Is my temperature OK like this ? At the moment, with a clock of 300/1000 Mhz @ 0.95V it's 62 °C :

While gaming, e.g. "DayZ Standalone", the temperature of the GPU goes up to ~80 °C. Sometimes up to 85 °C but not higher.

If it's less hot here, the temperatur is under 60. Normally something like 55 °C.

Are 62 °C OK with 300/1000 while it's hot ?

Level 10
It doesn't sound alarming, based on an ambient temp of around 85 degrees F. But I do have some observations:

* You might try some other temp monitors to verify the gadget is right
* My own experience with ambient temps around 68-70 degrees F. is 50-55 degrees Centigrade using the OEM vBIOS
* With the same ambient temps, the upgraded vBIOS runs about 10 degrees Centigrade cooler (40-45 degrees)

Have you ever upgraded your vBIOS?
Do the fans crank up when your temps are elevating?

Have you ever used GPU-z for monitoring sensors, or even Hwinfo 64?

Only use 1 sensor program at a time.
Asus Maximus V Extreme BIOS 1903, see specs above avatar.

Asus G73 jh A1 laptop, BIOS 213, vBIOS OD2, 8 GB Ram, 240 GB Intel SSD, 180 GB Intel SSD. Win 7 Pro. Purchased new from in May 2010.
(both have 1920X1080 hd screens, mine above, hers below )
Asus G73 Sw XR1 laptop 8 GB Ram, 160 GB Intel SSD, 80 GB Intel SSD. Purchased used >Ebay 1/10/13, Did clean install of Windows 7

Level 7

yes the fans speed up.
By BIOS (?) is on version 213 I think. It's the newest I can find on the Asus Website.

But vBios.. I never updated it. How to upgrade it?
And how to verify whoch version I have ?

Are you talking about this ?
> G73Jh GSOD Vbios Update

If yes : can I use this fix even if I have never had a GSOD ? Cause my laptop has never had one.

OK. WinFlash says, my vBIOS has the size 0xF200 and CRC 0xF400.
Device ID 0x68a0.


I sucessfully flashed the vBIOS. I installed the "OD2" version.

While gaming, the temperature does not go higher than 72°C now!
But the idle temperature is still about 62°C. I think it's because it's hot right now. Possible ?

The vBIOS OD2 clocks original:

00: 700/1000 @ 1.15v (High Performance AC)
01: 400/1000 @ 0.95v (Standard AC)
02: 400/1000 @ 0.95v (UVD)
03: 100/150 @ 0.95v (Battery Savings Idle)
04: 300/400 @ 0.95v (Battery Saving Performance)

I absolotely do not need 1000 MHz memory clock while browsing or programming.
So I changed them to the following and everything is fine (no more overheating while browsing):

00: 700/1000 @ 1.15v (High Performance AC)
01: 400/500 @ 0.85v (Standard AC)
02: 400/500 @ 0.85v (UVD)
03: 100/150 @ 0.85v (Battery Savings Idle)
04: 300/400 @ 0.85v (Battery Saving Performance)

Before while browsing (or while doing nothing): GPU 62 °C.
After while browsing (or while doing nothing): GPU 52 °C.

The ONLY thing..
while maximizing or restoring a window or while maximizing a flash video to full screen, I get a slightly flickering (a black, thin horizontal line) through my SECOND added TFT screen.
But I prefer to have this sometimes than to have more than 10 °C more for nothing.

Cool! 😉

Thanks for posting your outcome.
Asus Maximus V Extreme BIOS 1903, see specs above avatar.

Asus G73 jh A1 laptop, BIOS 213, vBIOS OD2, 8 GB Ram, 240 GB Intel SSD, 180 GB Intel SSD. Win 7 Pro. Purchased new from in May 2010.
(both have 1920X1080 hd screens, mine above, hers below )
Asus G73 Sw XR1 laptop 8 GB Ram, 160 GB Intel SSD, 80 GB Intel SSD. Purchased used >Ebay 1/10/13, Did clean install of Windows 7

I just have a last question:

is it bad to undervolt the GPU so much ? I mean, it was before set to 0.95V and no I set it to 0.85V ?

But I think I still have one problem: even if I play a game, CCC and a GPU Observer say that the GPU clock is 400MHz.
I also ferified with GPU-Z, but GPU-Z is useless because it ALWAYS show 700MHz.

Just for all people who do not know how to modify a vBIOS-File for AMD-Carts:

Level 7
Update: the BIOS Update did nothing.
Temps still the same while gaming.

Yesterday the GPU clock was 400/1000 MHz - 72°C while gaming.
Now, the clocks are 700/1000 MHz - 80 °C

Those temps are not abnormal. My G73jh would hit 90C or more in some games. I even went to the effort to reapply thermal paste but it didn't help. The GPU is actually safe to run up to about 110C believe it or not. Above that and the notebook will automatically shut off to protect itself.

The video BIOS update was made to address a crashing problem with some revision of the 5870 board.