Hello there, Today my friend gave me his old laptop (an Asus G51V)
http://support.asus.com/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=g51vx&os=30And he had told me of an issue that I thought I would be able to fix quickly. But it has stumped me. Sometimes when I turn on the laptop it flashes colors.
Red>Green>Blue>Orange>Pink>Black>Grey etc and so on and just keeps going forever.
Other times the laptop starts up and I can hear the OS starting up and it loading perfectly to the login screen but the screen is black and won't load..why is this?
The only thing I would guess is that I need to take it to a repair shop and they fix it? I mean the only thing I can think is that it's his battery. He said it has about..2 minutes of power when it's not plugged in. But plugged in it should work fine.