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Artifacts on G53JW screen

Level 7
Hi everyone.

It's been a couple weeks now that I've had trouble with my screen.
I've been monitoring my temperatures and they're all fine, even when gaming.

When I connect my notebook to a TV, using a HDMI cable, it works fine on the TV, but the notebook stil gets artifacts...

Anybody knows a way around this??

Thanks a lot.

Level 10
Does the G53JW come with nVidia GPU? If yes, which driver have you installed?
Asus G73SW-91058V 3D
- Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300
- BIOS 205

Level 10
If the artifacts aren't on the TV, then the problem is likely with the screen (or the cabling) on the laptop. It's a good idea to update your graphics drivers, so head on over to and download the latest driver for your GTX 460M. If the artifacts persist on the onboard screen but still don't happen on the external one, then the next step would be to look at replacing the display cable between your laptop's motherboard to the screen. If you have an extended warranty on your laptop, I would highly recommend taking it in to or sending it to a service center authorized by your plan since this replacement can get somewhat tricky.

Thanks for the quick answers.

Yes I do have nVidia GPU, I'll try updating the drivers.

The weird thing is that when I turn my notebook on, everything looks fine, but after 10 or so minutes, it starts failing.

The external monitor works just fine.

I don't have warranty anymore, can someone point me to a website that sells the cable??? I know a person that is skilled enough to change it.

If anyone has other tips, please post it, everything is helpful.

Thanks to all of u, you've been of great help already!

Level 10
First I'd make sure that your friend is confident enough to open your laptop. Have your friend open up your laptop and try to reseat the cable. Sometimes they can work loose over time. If it looks like you'll need a new cable, have your friend compare the cable that you have to the one here.

Then have them look at the screen options here (note: if you have the lower resolution screen that's 1366x768, now would be a good time to upgrade to 1080p): here

irdmoose wrote:
First I'd make sure that your friend is confident enough to open your laptop. Have your friend open up your laptop and try to reseat the cable. Sometimes they can work loose over time. If it looks like you'll need a new cable, have your friend compare the cable that you have to the one here.

Then have them look at the screen options here (note: if you have the lower resolution screen that's 1366x768, now would be a good time to upgrade to 1080p): here

Yo man, thanks a lot!!

This friend of mine is an awesome technician. I gotta replace my DC jack too (3rd time), which is starting to mal function again, and I'll take the time to change the cable/screen to a 1080p.

Can I buy any screen I want even with the 3d adapter on the notebook?

Level 10
If you have a 3D screen already, you might be stuck getting a 3D 1366x768 screen. If you don't want the 3D (or if they sell a 3D capable 1080p screen), then you should be able to upgrade the screen.

Honestly though, if I were you I'd keep the 3D Matte screen and hope the cable fixes it. The matte screen is much easier on the eyes in anything but dark environments.