Hi all,
i need to establish a fact. Anyone knows if the above mentioned model originally comes with gsync? I bought this preown from someone and warranty (had checked with asus service centre based on serial number) will expired only in dec 2016.
It has the gsync sticker on the laptop but at nvidia control panel there is no gsync option. So the fact i wish to establish is;
1) the previous owner put a fake sticker on it? (I examined the sticker thoroughly, does not seem to be from another laptop as it sticks quite well).
2) gsync disappear (will this even be possible?) due to free upgrade to windows 10 or maybe nvidia drivers. I have confirmed that windows 10 upgrade caused the loss of the original bluray player software.
3) my monitor under device manager, at the event tab it stated-this device did not migrate successfully. Maybe due to this cause and this is caused by upgrade to win10?
By the way, this model is bought in Singapore.
Thanks in advance for your help.