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A Message to ASUS about Unnecessary Hardware in their Gaming Laptops. Please Input

Level 7
(1) Blu-ray Drive .... we can always put an external one.. I personally just download my stuff, and windows _ I just usb Iso.
(2) Card Reader... who the heck needs one of these? They have micro SD now, and anyways your camera can just connect to your computer.
(3) DVI Port...while yes it can be useful.. I have never, ever used one of these to connect a monitor.. always used a HDMI, and anyways if you really, really wanted to, you could get an adapter from HDMI to DVI
(4) Ram that is easily accessably, i.e., not under the keyboard... all though I understand cheap ram is just as good as expensive ram, other people do not.
(5) Do something with the battery. For me, I usually plug in my laptop for gaming, and when I am not gaming the battery lasts for hours... SO why the hell are people using a battery for gaming (make this a point when advertising.. I would not buy a laptop for exceptional gaming hours on battery). I am sure every gamer knows to plug in their laptop.. I mean really, where are you playing your games without a power point?
(6) Various adjustable keyboard colours.. Here you will win people over who have depression, and well, yeh it makes your laptop a little more interesting.
(7) Having the best GPU is not everything, and we understand the cost involved.. but perhaps you could work something out with a detachable gpu that is running around in the market instead on a soldered on board one.

I have G751J - the overweight laptop... but I love it... CHeers.

Nader wrote:
Well at the very end I am not upgrading until NVidia creates far better GPUS I heard its called Pascal Mobile GPU.
Main complains still stands unremovable 4 cells battery is not a good decision. Upgradable GPU is not much of a problem since the GPU is already powerful for Ultra/High Setting in G751 Until 3-4 Years to come even more on Medium/Low I believe (No thing in the market now is really challenging the GPU, Watchdog Runs between 38-50 Frames on my laptop at Ultra Every thing and Witchers runs at 40-50 FPS While Far Cry varies from 55-80 FPS).

Asus Wins IPS 1080P Panels One of best displays in the market and fantastic cooling
MSI Wins upgradable GPU idk if that matters any ways.

ASUS Would win the hearts of MSI Users if they offered upgradable GPU/switchable Battery 6 cells and changed the bulky design they have which is Nice but not that nice for non-gaming. MSI would win the hearts of Asus Users if they offer IPS Display instead of their blue tinted one that requires A LOT of Calibration to get it right.

I rather live with a bulky design unremovable battery than an unsharp TN Panel, at least I would barley notice both Asus Issues while MSI has those permanent issue.

Don't get me Wrong ASUS is the BEST Gaming Laptop Maker Period. No Bugs at all, its just battery and design is the issue.

I take it you didn't read what I wrote above. GPU upgradability is far from being a viable advantage imo
The battery I stopped caring for a while ago. The G751 is designed to be an instant gaming machine - it's not meant for non-gamers because that's what it's designed to do. If you want good performance and good cooling - there's no other way. There are exceptions, of course. The Razer Blade manages a lot of magic - but it's not as powerful as a top end G751 (half the memory potential, 970 instead of 980 etc.).

Wait 2-3 generations when our gaming notebooks become passive cooled 😛

Level 8
I don't understand why they put the DVD player on THE LEFT. It's stupid and someone from Asus should be hanged for that decision. Well gee, i like having cables sticking out where i have my mouse.

Level 8
Well Maybe it isn't that bad of an issue.
and Personally I agree with TC.Things that will improve ASUS And Save Production Cost :

- Don't Add Blueray NO NEED
- DDR3 Ram IS FINE With only 8 GB Is ok No need for GDDR5 Expensive Ones

That would save like 200$ for each laptop and would give them more customers.
100$ if you will.. And I am a person with ASUS ROG JT 😛

Level 10
8 gigabytes of system memory is rapidly becoming the bare minimum. Some new games have that as a minimum requirement.
GDDR5 is graphics memory. It's only found in GPU's, without that type of memory, the whole point of a gaming laptop is missed.

DDR3(L) is the only type of memory currently available for laptops.

Also mine DID come with 8GB RAM and also just a regular DVD drive, not a blueray one. I paid mostly for the 980M.

Level 7
No way, Dell suck. Just look at the alienware alpha.
I mean stop wasting space on stuff inside the laptop that we do not really need. I mean really, who the heck needs a card reader.

It seems like the Motherboard is from some manufacturer, and they have built the laptop around it.
And the 965m works great as a gpu.
As far as the ram goes.. to see the mentality of people to add it to 16, or even 32gb.. There is no need. Most games only need 4gb. It is just ridiculous.
But it is the mentality of people you have to beat... you see everyone thinks you need the fastest ram, and quickest CPU.
No need for a i7, jesus.. am I3 is good enough.
It is all about the GPU not the CPU, The ram...
And yes, a SSD would be more advantageous.
The first thing I changed was the HDD. Jesus, Gaming laptops all should have a SSD>
And some manufacturers are catching on .
I would rather have a 240GB SSD, than a 2 TB HDD>
My windows 8.1 loads in literally 4 seconds, compared to about 15-20 on a HDD.

Level 10
Apologies, but you seem to have no idea what you're talking about.

An i3 is not enough for gaming, it will absolutely bottleneck the 980M. For the games that actually REQIRE a 980M to play, your CPU will be equally important. That's just how it is with modern games.
My Windows 10 G751 boots to windows in 5.5 seconds average without an SSD.
These computers are used for more productive tasks than just gaming - a lot of those require a lot of memory (and as much as you don't like it, card readers).
Some 3yo games that are large in scale (and have large and many textures) topped out my 8 gigs of memory.

If you don't like what ASUS does with their machines you could always have a custom laptop made for you. ASUS has an audience to cater to, and you just don't like part of the show. I fit this /desktop replacement/ machine in the backpack that it comes (which is obviously specifically designed for it) with just fine for university work. I can't imagine why you'd want to carry a portable computer in a non-protected school bag anyways, they're meant to go into padded, purpose-made packs.

You also seem to be missing the point that cooling that this machin requires necessitates a large size. Even if they removed the optical drive (not gonna even comment on card readers, they don't take ANY internal space), the form factor would still be the same. You have to have an area to put a keyboard and touchpad on ... are you going to suggest that ASUS gets rid of touchpads, too?

You my friend Edweird are an tool, and you sound bias too.

Tis 30 seconds to load windows 8.1 on a 7200 rpm HDD.

An I3 is more than enough, most games only run on 2 cores. The only difference is the cache. But yes, it probably would. I am referring to the 865m. Why the FK do I need an i7. I5 would be more economical.

Stop talking up ASUS, and start being realistic.

I do not know how 'everyone' which you are suggesting can realistically lop this overweight laptop everywhere, and then go to the friggen effort of removing screws to change the battery.

Level 7
(1) Blu-ray Drive - I use daily - both for tech uses - burning, and pleasure - watching movies.

(2) Card Reader - I use mine daily, for a camera.

(3) DVI Port... I use these also depending on the client site and what I need to work with. Any port in a storm as they say.

(4) Ram that is easily accessably, i.e., not under the keyboard... - The under the keyboard ram is so easy to get at it's not an issue - and you should know how to do this for cleaning and maint of your laptop. There is a good video here:

(5) Do something with the battery. For me, I usually plug in my laptop for gaming, and when I am not gaming the battery lasts for hours... SO why the hell are people using a battery for gaming (make this a point when advertising.. I would not buy a laptop for exceptional gaming hours on battery). I am sure every gamer knows to plug in their laptop.. I mean really, where are you playing your games without a power point?

- I have no issue with the battery - it is replaceable - two screws and a cable - see above video - also this battery is very good - I see no difference in the performance of the system on battery or plugged in - and I like have it as a power backup - when the power goes out - I (and my work are still going right along), so it has a lot of uses besides just what your saying. But hey, sometimes power outlets just aren't there and a lot of people use these for things besides gaming - I use mine for CAD and CGI - the last thing I want is to have a power outage and loose all that work - no sir, I like it just like it is.

(6) Various adjustable keyboard colours.. Here you will win people over who have depression, and well, yeh it makes your laptop a little more interesting.
= this pointless - doesn't matter - I guess if you want it all to match - I am a little OCD on that so I would and do like my color lights to be as matching as possible - red/blue is my current theme as one laptop is blue and the other is red, and several of the items I have have lights of one or the other also, but then I am just funny that way.

(7) Having the best GPU is not everything, and we understand the cost involved.. but perhaps you could work something out with a detachable gpu that is running around in the market instead on a soldered on board one.

I got this system particularly for the 980m, the rest matched up with what I needed and I pulled the trigger and gave them 2600USD.

I have G751J - the overweight laptop... but I love it... CHeers.

- Nomad backpack - it helps but also I don't find a laptop to be particularly heavy, not after 50-100 lbs in the military... once you have done that, nothing else seem very heavy at all. Cheers. Just my opinion here, not saying it's right or wrong. hope that helps then input poll.

Level 7
Asus should focus more on better screens and audio with this line of laptops

Better screens? Are you daft? IPS is the best you can get for this price range.