To make games gfx "pop" out, one has to adjust the settings.
Usualy the default settings are quiet unspectacular, but dont hurt the eyes so much. He he he
There are 2 settings to adjust.
One is about the strengh of the 3D effect. With low settings it apears that there is only like 30cm space behind the screen. With high settings, you get a feel of hundred of meters but your eyes tire faster and you might not be able to get a clear vision of objects very close to the "camera".
A second setting is about, what distance is the screen. Say, you play WOW, then you might fly on your dragon and adjust that setting until the tail of the dragon comes 20cm or so out of the screen. With default settings, nothing is "out of the screen" btw. You need to adjust it.
But here aswell: So more the stuff comes out of the screen so more your eyes will hurt. Thats why default settings are usually eye friendly but unspectacular.
My personal experience with the 3D:
It was very cool the first days. I tried games, movies and even started to produce my own 3D Fotos, by combining 2 shoots of my camera to a JPS (3D JPG).
But honestly, I havnt used the 3D glasses for some time now. It somewhat anoyes me that you only have 50% of the FPS, wich usualy means, you need to turn down settings and trade 3D effect for less detailed images.
Also, I feel a slight flicker effect, wich is also kind of anoying after the awe about the 3D starts to fade.