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16GB ram on G73jh WORKS!!!

Level 7
I was due to do my periodic cooling system cleaning on my g73jh, so I figured that since I was gonna have my machine open and that memory is so cheap these days why not try to do the upgrade from 8gb to 16gb ram AND IT WORKED! Despite intel's ark website stating that the mobile cpus can only support up to 8gb, 16gb works fine. According to cpu-z, windows task manager and even in the BIOS all 16gb show up and is available. I just wanted to let you guys know since I know many of you are on the fence on weather or not to do it and if it will or will not work.

Here are some screens:


Level 7
Oh yes I did some searching and I understand it now, I can use these slots and I can just add another 2 x 4 however I have another question I coulnd find answer for.
Is it possible for me to simply ad 1 x 8gb to already existing 2x 4gb, or do I need to buy another 2 x4? Has anyone done that ?
I am asking since It appears to be cheaper this way.

Level 7
if you have 3 slots variant, then yes. If you have 4 slots variant of motherboard, then must be filled bank 1+3 and 2+4.