1) remove all cabling and power plugs
2) Remove the top lid covering the CPU heatsink
3) Top Screw...
4) ...and bottom screw for the side panel
5) Slide the panel to the front
6) Pay attention to the high voltage RGB cable when removing the side panel
7) 3 screws for the back panel
😎 3 more for the GPU
9) pay attention to the GPU power cable
10) a total of 5 screws to get closer to the CPU
11) attention to the CPU fan connectors
12) loosen the CD-Rom-drive to get to one of the 4 CPU heatsink screws
13) These are the other 3; back screws can be accessed through the heatsink after lifting the duct tape-thing.
14) Orange: last screw holding the heatsing in place. Green: one of 4 drive cage screws
15) The other 3 screws; 2 of those are HDD screws, don't mix those up later
16) CD-ROM out, drive cage out