06-14-2023 01:00 PM
I recently picked up the ROG Ally from Best Buy yesterday. Today I brought it to work and opened it on my lunch break in my office. When I took off the top cover of the box I noticed a lot of dust and small particles on and inside of the plastic wrap that protects the ROG Ally. After blowing off the dust, I removed the wrap and noticed more dust and a small scratch on the screen. After booting it up, you can clearly see the scratch. Has anyone had any issues with something like this with their ROG Ally??? I am going to return to Best Buy later today. Hopefully they do not give me a hard time when trying to replace it.
06-15-2023 08:04 AM
I was able to return the Ally to BestBuy yesterday and apparently are sending a new one to the store in a week. I will report back in a week to discuss the 2nd unit I receive. Hopefully no one else got a dusty / scratched screen on launch. Very unacceptable, I never once had an issue like this with electronics on launch day.