For anyone on the fence I’m going to share a little bit. When the rampage VI extreme and apex were released the anticipation to get your hands on a monoblock was mesmerizing to say the least. Very hard to come by in the beginning. To my knowledge there is only one maker, EKWB. A beautiful sight to behold with the choice of acetal or acrylic.*
Now for he less than desirable part. Most of the reason folks go this route is to cool the VRMs to get a better OC. Well a lot of good going active cooling on the VRMS does when 30% of the IHS doesn’t make contact with the block. I’m not understanding the circular machining, I’m sure it’s just easier and less labor intensive but ends up with a block that isn’t all that it can be.
Hind sight being 20/20 I’ve pulled the EKWB mono block and gone with a heatkiller pro IV and separate VRM cooler. *Rebuild with refresh is getting closer, should have it done enough to use before Christmas. A few mounting parts that everyone is out of but so I had to order from Germany, will be here next Thursday. So another heads up, nothing made by heatkiller is ready as is. Everything is ala carte. Reservoir takes a basic mounting block for almost every type mount yet is that in the box? NOPE!! Is there any mention that it cannot be installed without ordering more stuff? NOPE!
Here is what I’m talking about with the EKWB block.


“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein