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ROG Ramapge VI Extreme Encore Cold Boot Problem

Level 7

I've an issue with my RVIEE:
Whenever I turn of the power completely the next time I switch my PC on (cold boot) it does a "double boot". It will boot a little bit into memory check and cpu check (according to the oled display) and then shutdown and boot again.
According to this thread this is considered to be "normal":
But others claimed to have it fixed:!
(A connected TV supplied power to the graphics card triggering the "power loss" state)
(Probably a faulty dimm and turning of error detection "fixed" it)
(Manually tuning XMP settins)

I tried all of the suggested solution but none of them fixed the issue. For the XMP-settings I tried it with the "optimized defaults" and "auto" (XMP off). As I don't know which of the settings is the most likely to cause that behaviour (probably the timings?) I didn't try my luck with "manual" settings. I also tried every possible dimm combination (reducing it down to only two present at all) to rule out faulty ones (unless all of my eight are faulty in one way or another).
It's not a huge problem for me as I have SSDs and the power loss during boot isn't that impactful as for HDDs but it's still quite anoying though.

Does anyone else had this issue or know of another possible solution to fix this that I can try?

wkr ADT

Level 10
Hello, i dont remember how this was called in the BIOS , but for me it was not one of this posibilitys you say here, for me it was i belive ARMR or ARM , i do not remember , when it was Activated , that was not a problem , BUT when i activate also like saving stage S4 +S5 THEN i got the dobble boot , when the computer complete was shut douwn over night , a reboot or wake up , dont cause this efect , only when was shut down compete, and only at first boot , XMP auto or manual , or HDMI connection , optimized BIOS defaults wasnt the problem ... i hope you can understand what i am saying , if not i will look again what was the name from the energie saving stage ... like ARPM i am not shure in the moment , but this cause for me the dobble boot ...

Greetings ..


Thanks for the suggestion but that wasn't it.
ASPM (Active State Power Management) found under "PCH Misc Configuration" is used to regulate/shut down power to unused PCI components.
ErP Ready (S4+S5 setting) is found under "APM Configuration".
I hadn't activated either of those (all disabled) but out of curiosity I tried all possible combinations and my PC still would do a "double boot".


Level 10

Yes i was talking about APM conf ... the Erp Ready , ok that is what does cause the dobble boot here for me but if that dosent change anything for you , i have to say in this case i have no other idea then what could be the problem then ... why this can happend ? sorry to read this ... but i belive i cant help then , sorry .. good luck finding the solution 🙂 .

With friendly Greeting ....

Nonny wrote:
for me it was i belive ARMR or ARM , i do not remember , when it was Activated , that was not a problem , BUT when i activate also like saving stage S4 +S5 THEN i got the dobble boot

Nonny wrote:
Yes i was talking about APM conf ... the Erp Ready , ok that is what does cause the dobble boot here for me but if that dosent change anything for you , i have to say in this case i have no other idea then what could be the problem then

What other option besides "Erp Ready" were you talking about if it wasn't ASPM?

Level 10
Hello again,

this ERP ready was the right thing i was talking about , and the S4 + S5 i only didnt remember the category how it was called , ASPM was not the category it was the ERP , maybe , i dont know but maybe it could be the CSM compatibility mode , i do have it off , but maybe there could be an option this can cause it , i dont know , like i say i setup the computer the first time , all was fine , then i activate the ERP s4 +s5 , because i want the computer to be really off , because i do have some USB stuff here i dont want to be powert on over night , but then i got the dobble boot , ERP off , then the dobble boot was not happend anymore , but i still want my USB stuff powert off over night , so i do have active ERP and dobble boot again but only at first boot in the morning when i start working ...

Greetings ....

Level 8
Maybe this is off the mark, but I've had my Rampage 5 Extreme do this semi-frequently. In my case, it was the BIOS trying to overclock the CPU and sometimes it just wouldn't "take" so it reboots at a lower frequency. If I recall, my system was attempting to run at 4 Mhz, when (I think) stock is 3.7. I've notice when I run CPU-Z that my CPU does indeed run at 4 Mhz sometimes, but the turbo boost only kicks in when needed. I don't recall what setting in the BIOS I have that makes it try to boot at 4 Mhz, but it's not a major problem for me now, so I haven't even been into the BIOS for several months to check.

GEEKCPA wrote:
Maybe this is off the mark, but I've had my Rampage 5 Extreme do this semi-frequently. In my case, it was the BIOS trying to overclock the CPU and sometimes it just wouldn't "take" so it reboots at a lower frequency. If I recall, my system was attempting to run at 4 Mhz, when (I think) stock is 3.7. I've notice when I run CPU-Z that my CPU does indeed run at 4 Mhz sometimes, but the turbo boost only kicks in when needed. I don't recall what setting in the BIOS I have that makes it try to boot at 4 Mhz, but it's not a major problem for me now, so I haven't even been into the BIOS for several months to check.

Thanks for your suggestion but as don't overclock my cpu (besides what activating XMP does) I don't think thats is the cause for my problem. Like I said I also tried it with factory defaults without any overclocking and it still does the cold boot restart.

Level 11

Hi! I have the same problem. Start the computer normally only on BIOS 0401 installed. All other versions of Bios give a double start.

That would explain why the bios of my board when I bought it was still 0401 despite being two years old.