Please help me to configure my new Asus Rampage VI Apex.
My current configuration:
7820x processor (28 lines)
2xSamsung 960 in raid 0 on dimm 2 PCH -> transfer only Read 3000Mb / sec Write 2750MB / sec (as Intel Raid 0 Volume) - slow (4 PCH lines)
PCIE_X16 / X8_1 GPU GTX 1070Ti (16 lines)
PCIE_X8_2 Empty
PCIE_X4 NVME Plextor PX-512MB (PCIE card) Read 2300Mb / sec Write 1000MB / sec - it's OK (4 lines)
PCIE_X16 / X8_3 Sound Card BlasterX - OK (I do not know how many PCIE lines in this case?)
PCIE_X8_4 Not planted - no space
The latest version of the bios has been installed.
Theoretically, there are 6-8 CPU lines, am I right?
I would like to run 2x Samsung 960 in Raid 0 Dimm2 CPU + Dimm2 PCH for better scaling.If I translate one Samsung 960 drive to Dimm 2 CPU, the bios system does not detect the disk.
(Both on the right and left side of the Dimm2 CPU Card)
It detects only a single disk on Dimm 2 PCH + Plextor on PCIE_X4
How should I install two M2 drives in my case to create Raid 0 using Dimm2 PCH + Dimm2 CPU?
(Of course, without removing the Plextor drive from the system)
Which Bios options should be turned on / off so that the system can detect two M2 disks mounted one on each Dimm2?
Someone on this forum has launched Raid 0 on the Asus Rampage VI Extreme using the M2 disk on the disc and a single disk on Dimm 2
obtaining twice higher transfers ...
What can you do with this problem on Apex?
I think that I did not notice something, because it is not a unique situation.
Please, comment if someone sees the solution to this problem.
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