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Asus omega error hdd code a2 hdd detect &

Level 7
I've recently been getting an hdd a2 hdd detect error code and i have no idea how to fix that. Also i've been unable to go into my bios as just a black screen shows up however the mobo detects that im in the bios even though it does not display on my screen. My pc does still boot even with this error code it just takes a lot longer to boot. Any help is appreciated. i've reset cmos and updated bios using flashback tool and still cant get into the bios for some odd reason.

Level 10
to me happends this 2 times, it was that this HDD where to old and also in "Christal disk" i got warning because the S.M.A.R.T. table allready had to much errors reported both disk where like 8 yeahrs old or something like this , i canged the disk for more new once and no more problems 🙂

Nonny wrote:
to me happends this 2 times, it was that this HDD where to old and also in "Christal disk" i got warning because the S.M.A.R.T. table allready had to much errors reported both disk where like 8 yeahrs old or something like this , i canged the disk for more new once and no more problems 🙂

the only problem would be that all my disks are healthy. they're all at 98-100 percent health wise. i removed the hd and 2 of the m.2's and still got that error. I've yet to try to remove the onboard m.2's as my computer is watercooled and would need to do a lot to simply remove it. but still trying to acess the bios as im unable to do that. if anyone has any tips to access my bios it would be appreciated. i just get a black screen but my mobo detects me in bios, just no display on my monitor.

Level 11
If i was You I would disconnect all HDDs. The fact, that your HDDs are 98 to 100% health doesn't mean, that they are fully ok.

Level 10
Hello Again 🙂 ,
I do agree with Cherry[PL] , if you are checking your disks in a standard Windows program the Healh resolds are questionable , i used Cristal Diks and there i got warning from the SMART Table , like floting sektors and not fixable sectors, i do not want causing any trouble but you error descriptian sound like there is a HDD problem.
Maybe just try it to "Exclude" that the disks cousing the error , the programm is free , and you can start it directly from the unzipped foulder , if you are insterested you can find the program here :
i think its not needed to understand all the valures here but if the program shows you a "yellow" or a "RED" dot , it says there is something not good .