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Sponsorship Requests

Level 15
Thank you for thinking of ASUS and ROG.

The ROG site and forums are regularly inundated with sponsorship requests, but this portal does not make decisions in regards to sponsorship. This is entirely done regionally, depending on our regional teams promotional activities and budgets. They can be contacted via ASUS Facebook pages.

As such, ROG forums no longer replies to sponsorship requests directly as it has previously been assumed we can 'encourage' or provide an intermediary between sponsor requests and our regional teams, which is not the case sorry.

A suggestion from myself: To better your chance of interest from ASUS (or any company), I strongly suggest you investigate its activities in the region you are pitching too, and then tailor your message accordingly. Copy and pasting the same text to every business usually gets ignored straight out. Real data about exposure, hits, demographic and what you offer to the brand clearly and precisely is absolutely required to gain interest.

Good luck out there!

Level 7

Hello ASUS, I wanted to be a content creator that make content about building PC's, using the right PSU for a certain combination of PC Parts (GPU, CPU), BEST Compatible GPU for a Certain CPU, Contents that can help other people in their adventure of building a PC. I was wondering if I can have a sponsorship from you guys to start this dream of mine. 

Community Admin
Community Admin

Sorry guys, as the OP explained - we will NOT be looking at these requests. Please contact your local office for partnership opportunities. Thanks. 

FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin