Resolving the threat is certainly highest priority.
Also, using this event as a teaching opportunity would be ideal. As I am sure more than myself know very little about rogue scripts in signatures and other vulnerbilities.
How is this event even classified? Is it a form of redirect or browser highjacking?
I am curious why Explorer blocked the site and not Firefox.
Perhaps a security expert can visit the reported site and explain what nefarious activities are being employeed.
I understand this is a gaming/hardware forum (the fun stuff!) and not a security forum ... but those two subjects are intermingled. For example, could the new build I am planning benefit from 32 Gig of RAM instead of 16 Gig? Could I then virtualize or sandbox (or whatever the correct method is called) my browser to make my computer less vulnerable? Does using some type of layer of computer isolation slow online gaming response time?
There is a whole world of online gaming I have not yet been able to enjoy because of my old, single core computer struggles plenty just watching a youtube video while also performing a virus scan or checking for new email ... but that will dramatically change very soon! On my build plans up to now, I have been tunnel visioned on finding the level of performance (bang-for-buck) that works best for me. Now I am wondering how much energy I should focus towards the security topic and if this plays any roll in making the best hardware selections. Beyond the simple guidelines of avoiding wares, carefully selecting what you download, and staying away from sites dedicated to cracks and sharing pass codes ... what steps are "top tier" gamers taking to avoid getting hacked or having their identity stolen?